Thursday, Oct 03rd

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Iraq inquiry: Secret Government documents could contradict public evidence

Tens of thousands of secret documents could contradict evidence given by key members of the Blair government to the Iraq inquiry, its chairman Sir John Chilcot has suggested.

Sir John disclosed that the panel was examining far more documents than previously thought, with more "arriving every week". Their access to the papers was "unrestricted", while a "limited number" of them might be published.


Exercise 'cuts risk of developing painful gallstones'

Doing lots of exercise drastically cuts the risk of developing painful gallstones, UK researchers have found. Gallstones are common but only 30% of cases have symptoms and complications.

A University of East Anglia study of 25,000 men and women found those who were the most active had a 70% reduced risk of those complaints.


Blix: Straw 'gave incorrect answers' to Iraq inquiry

He said that Mr Straw had been incorrect to suggest, in 2002, that UN weapons inspectors were not being allowed access to certain sites.

"He did not focus at all on what I had said about the increased Iraqi co-operation," he said, explaining: "he focused upon - say - that the Iraqis are not allowing you to interview people and they are stopping you from getting to sites. That was not true," he said.


Study links sugary soft drinks to pancreas cancer

People who drink two or more sweetened soft drinks a week have a much higher risk of pancreatic cancer, an unusual but deadly cancer, researchers reported on Monday.

People who drank mostly fruit juice instead of sodas did not have the same risk, the study of 60,000 people in Singapore found.


No joke: South Carolina now requires ’subversives’ to register

Terrorists who want to overthrow the United States government must now register with South Carolina's Secretary of State and declare their intentions -- or face a $25,000 fine and up to 10 years in prison.


U.S. soldier 'waterboarded his own daughter, 4, because she couldn't recite alphabet'

As his daughter 'squirmed' to get away, Tabor said he submerged her face three or four times until the water was lapping around her forehead and jawline.

Tabor, 27, who had won custody of his daughter only four weeks earlier, admitted choosing the punishment because the girl was terrified of water.


Hitchens attacks Gore Vidal for being a 9/11 conspiracy 'crackpot'

The latest salvo is in this month's Vanity Fair where, in an article headlined "Vidal Loco", Hitchens launches a stinging attack on Vidal, claiming that the events of 9/11 "accentuated a crackpot strain" in the author.

"He openly says that the Bush administration was 'probably' in on the 9/11 attacks, a criminal complicity that would 'certainly fit them to a T."


TVNL Comment:  Of course, Hitchens has no explanation for the distortions and omissions of the 'official story' of the 9/11 attacks. Wonder why.

Chevron hires twelve public relations firms to discredit indigenous Indians in Ecuador

In response to an environmental lawsuit filed against the oil giant, Chevron has fortified its defenses with at least twelve different public relations firms whose purpose is to debunk the claims made against the company by indigenous people living in the Amazon forests of Ecuador. According to them, Chevron dumped billions of gallons of toxic waste in the Amazon between 1964 and 1990, causing damages assessed at more than $27 billion.


John Yoo Renews Claim That President's Authority to Torture Depends on What Is "Necessary"

Challenged for his 2005 statement that whether the president could lawfully torture a person's child depends on "why the President thinks he needs to do that," undaunted, John Yoo repeated his claim that it would depend on whether the president finds it "necessary."

Yoo spoke in Los Angeles Thursday at a program sponsored by the Federalist Society and the Libertarian Law Council..


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