Thursday, Oct 03rd

Last update03:24:29 AM GMT

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GM India to Hire 1,000 Staff in 2010

The company will hire 150 to 200 engineers at its powertrain center in the technology hub of Bangalore, P. Balendran, vice president at General Motors India Pvt. Ltd., told a news conference to launch an automatic transmission version of the Chevrolet Cruze sedan.


Torture architect ‘distorts’ investigation timeline to blame Obama

Recently cleared from criminal prosecution, President Bush's "torture architect" John Yoo criticized Obama on Wednesday for allegedly ordering a "witch hunt" against him. But the timeline reflects that the investigation of his transgressions began under the former president, not the current one.


Mossad’s Murderous Reach

Israel’s policy of overseas assassination raises profound issues that threaten the basis of the modern state: sovereignty, rule of law and national and personal security.

Israel has a publicly-stated policy of violating the sovereignty of any and all countries in order to kill or abduct its opponents. In both proclamation and actual practice, Israeli law, decrees and actions abroad supersede the laws and law enforcement agencies of any other nation. If Israel’s policy becomes the common practice world-wide, we would enter a savage Hobbesian jungle in which individuals would be subject to the murderous intent of foreign assassination squads unrestrained by any law or accountable national authority. Each and every state could impose its own laws and cross national borders in order to murder other nation’s citizens or residents with impunity. Israel’s extra-territorial assassinations make a mockery of the very notion of national sovereignty. Extra-territorial secret police elimination of opponents was a common practice of the Nazi Gestapo, Stalin’s GPU and Pinochet’s DINA and has now become the sanctioned practice of the US “Special Forces” and the CIA clandestine division. Such policies are the hallmark of totalitarian, dictatorial and imperialist states, which systematically trample on the sovereign rights of peoples.


Poll: Medina's 9-11 comments hurt her in Texas GOP gubernatorial race

After rising from obscurity to become a significant factor in the three-way Republican race for governor, candidate Debra Medina appears to be losing ground after her remarks in a national radio interview about the 9-11 terrorist attacks, according to two public opinion surveys released Tuesday.

The survey assessed the impact of Medina's remarks in a Feb. 11 radio interview with conservative commentator Glenn Beck. Under questioning by Beck, the conservative GOP activist did not immediately disavow a theory that the U.S. government was involved in 9-11.


TVNL Comment:  Any viable candidate is required to 'disavow' US government involvement in 9/11, without any evidence to support that concept, and without any discussion whatsoever. Democracy at its best.

CIA briefed 68 lawmakers on interrogation program

Pelosi, who became House Democratic leader in late 2002, said at a news conference in April last year that she was never told at the time that simulated drowning -- or waterboarding -- and other harsh interrogation techniques were being used. She said she was only told the CIA had legal opinions that approved harsh interrogation methods.


Israel refuses to help Britain with inquiry into fake passports

Israeli foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman yesterday flatly rebuffed David Miliband's request for cooperation with an investigation into the use of forged British passports in the assassination of a Hamas leader.

The request for assistance came as the total number of fake British passports believed to have been used in last month's assassination rose from six to eight. But private discussions on the sidelines of an EU meeting in Brussels – and an identical request from Irish foreign minister Micheál Martin – yielded no concessions on the Israeli side.


'God gap' impedes U.S. foreign policy, task force says

American foreign policy is handicapped by a narrow, ill-informed and "uncompromising Western secularism" that feeds religious extremism, threatens traditional cultures and fails to encourage religious groups that promote peace and human rights, according to a two-year study by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs.

The council's 32-member task force, which included former government officials and scholars representing all major faiths, delivered its report to the White House on Tuesday. The report warns of a serious "capabilities gap" and recommends that President Obama make religion "an integral part of our foreign policy."


Milky Way galaxy littered with 'alien' stars

Dwarf galaxies gobbled up by our own Milky Way make up about a quarter of the 160 star-packed "globular clusters"  littering the galaxy, astronomers report Tuesday.

In the Monthly Notioves of the Royal Astronomical Society report,  which was led by Duncan Forbes of the United Kingdom's University of Swinburne, a team looked at chemical signatures of 93 globular clusters.  The clusters are balls containing hundreds to millions of stars littered throughout the galaxy.


How long can the U.S. dollar defy gravity?

Facing mounting inflation and the escalating cost of the Vietnam War, President Richard Nixon, on August 15, 1971, took the United States off the gold standard, which had been in place since 1944 and required that the Federal Reserve back all dollars in circulation with gold. The move amounted to a made-in-America double-digit devaluation, shocking the country's foreign creditors.

Nearly 40 years later, the dollar still dominates world trade. At the height of the financial crisis in 2008, investors fled to the dollar as a temporary safe haven. But the dollar has been falling steadily since 2002, and as the world economy recovered last year, dollar selling resumed, reviving doubts about how long it could remain the world's unrivaled reserve currency.


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