Friday, Oct 04th

Last update07:30:46 AM GMT

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David Iglesias, ousted Bush-era U.S. attorney, joins prosecution team at Guantanamo

David Iglesias joins Guantanamo prosecution teamFor hearings on whether U.S. forces tortured confessions out of a Canadian teenager accused of killing an American soldier in Afghanistan, the Pentagon Monday unveiled a new face to advocate military commissions:

Fired former Bush-era prosecutor David Iglesias, a key figure in the so-called Attorney-Gate scandal. He was mobilized last year to the war court as a U.S. Navy Reserves captain.



Rumors of an upcoming terror attack to be blamed on Iran are moving around the world, “backchannel chatter.”  The primary suspect is Israel who is said to have a number of small “suitcase” type nuclear weapons, some primarily “dirty bombs,” possibly supplied secretly by a previous US administration.  These devices are in the “40 ton” range, highly radioactive, extremely small and can be engineered to leave the signature of a primitive device.  They were originally designed for use against Soviet armor and troop concentrations in Europe if a massed attack on NATO were to occur.  Current conventional systems have made this type of weapon obsolete.


Jerusalem-Tel Aviv highway off-limits to Palestinians

Highway between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv bans PalestiniansFor eight years, Israeli commuters have whizzed between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv on Route 443, a highway whose West Bank portion is lined with barriers and is off-limits to Palestinians who live along the way.

Naji Suliman, mayor of the Palestinian community of Beit Ur al-Tahta, thought that would change after a decision by Israel's Supreme Court calling for the ban on Palestinians to be lifted by May. But after meeting with a commander from the Israeli military last week, Suliman concluded that Israel's actions have been "just for public relations."


Settlers want Palestinians removed from the area and their homes pulled down

Netanyahu failed to get the police to stop the march by rightwing Jews through Silwan on Sunday Palestinian protesters and Israeli police have clashed after Jewish settlers marched in the Arab neighbourhood of Silwan in East Jerusalem. The rightwing settlers, who staged the march on Sunday, want Palestinians removed from the area and their homes pulled down.


Supreme Court case: Do gay rights foes have right to privacy?

The U.S. Supreme Court in Washington D.C. where a gay rights and privacy case will be heardThe Supreme Court will hear oral arguments Wednesday in a Washington state case in which religious conservatives fear retaliation from gay rights groups if the names of the 138,000 people who signed ballot petitions to overturn a same-sex domestic partnership law are released.


Stephen Hawking warns over making contact with aliens

Mr Hawking says it is 'perfectly rational' to believe in aliensAliens almost certainly exist but humans should avoid making contact, Professor Stephen Hawking has warned. In a series for the Discovery Channel the renowned astrophysicist said it was "perfectly rational" to assume intelligent life exists elsewhere.


Goldman executives cheered housing market's decline, newly released e-mails show

Goldman Sachs BuildingThe documents show that the firm's executives were celebrating earlier investments calculated to benefit if housing prices fell, a Senate investigative committee found. In an e-mail sent in the fall of 2007, for example, Goldman executive Donald Mullen predicted a windfall because credit-rating companies had downgraded mortgage-related investments, which caused losses for investors.

"Sounds like we will make some serious money," Mullen wrote.


G.I.’s Describe Despair and Isolation in Trauma Units

“It is just a dark place. Being in the W.T.U. is worse than being in Iraq.” MICHAEL CRAWFORD, an Army specialist who was a sniper in Iraq, above, watching video images of his company, below. Created in the wake of the scandal in 2007 over serious shortcomings at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Warrior Transition Units were intended to be sheltering way stations where injured soldiers could recuperate and return to duty or gently process out of the Army. There are currently about 7,200 soldiers at 32 transition units across the Army, with about 465 soldiers at Fort Carson’s unit.

But interviews with more than a dozen soldiers and health care professionals from Fort Carson’s transition unit, along with reports from other posts, suggest that the units are far from being restful sanctuaries.


H1N1 vaccine study investigating hints of complications from vaccine

Complications from H1N1 vaccineThe latest analysis of data has detected what could be a somewhat elevated rate of Guillain-Barré syndrome, which can cause paralysis and death; Bell's palsy, a temporary facial paralysis; and thrombocytopenia, which is a low level of blood platelets, officials reported Friday. The data is being collected through five of the networks the government is using to monitor people who were inoculated against the swine flu.


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