Friday, Oct 04th

Last update07:30:46 AM GMT

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Strenger than Fiction / Jewish liberals from all nations, unite

French philosopher Bernard-Henri Levy in GenevaDiaspora Jews around the world are beginning to realize that the time has come to reject the right’s dictate that being pro-Israel means that you need to support the policies of Israeli governments, no matter what they do; that the Jewish right represents a small minority of the Jewish people.

Caring about friends and family doesn’t mean that we do not criticize them, when we believe that they are harming themselves. In caring for somebody’s wellbeing, we are often required to make clear that they are going the wrong way. Hence Liberal Jews in the Diaspora firmly stand by Israel while trenchantly criticizing the occupation and settlements.


Web video shows Pakistani militant leader thought to be dead

Pakistani Taliban chief Hakimullah Mehsud was reported killed by US dronesA Pakistani militant leader who was thought to have been killed by a U.S. drone strike in January has appeared in a new Internet video, vowing attacks on American cities. The video of Pakistani Taliban chief Hakimullah Mehsud surfaced early Monday.

It was released shortly after another clip appeared on YouTube, in which the group claimed responsibility for the failed bomb attempt in Times Square. Counter-terrorism analysts dismiss that claim as highly unlikely, noting that the organization has displayed no ability to strike beyond Pakistan and Afghanistan.


Reporters Without Borders Names World's Worst Media 'Predators'

Media rights watchdog Reporters Without Borders members demonstrate in ParisThe leaders of China, Russia and Rwanda are among the worst "predators of press freedom" according to Reporters Without Borders. The annual report from the Paris-based Reporters Without Borders, published to mark World Media Freedom Day, highlights the worst offenders of media censorship and violence.


Will the next 9/11 be made in Israel?

H-912 transport container for Mk-54 SADM.In a recent article aptly titled “Loose Nukes in Israel,” Grant F. Smith, director of the Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy (IRMEP) and author of Spy Trade: How Israel’s Lobby Undermines America’s Economy, shows how “the U.S is a sieve for Israeli nuclear espionage.”


Veteran's award-winning poems trace journey to Iraq

Award-winning war poet Brian TurnerCombat was a good career move for award-winning war poet Brian Turner, though it took a toll. The native of California's San Joaquin Valley now has a deep, dark pool of memories to draw from. He dips down, if he dares, and there they are.

He's been learning "how to write about the ghosts that live among us, whether we recognize them or not," Turner said.


Fabricating Terrorism:" Victims of UK Injustice

injusticePrior to 9/11, Britain became complicit in America's War on Terror, and the worst of its crimes, including renouncing the rule of law, due process, and judicial fairness in persecuting innocent people, subjecting them to barbaric torture, other abuses, and long internments.


BP warned of rig fault ten years ago

BPIn June 2000, the oil giant issued a "notice of default" to Transocean, the operator of the rig that blew up last month. The dispute was over problems with a blowout preventer, a set of iron slabs that should close out-of-control wells. It failed on the Gulf of Mexico rig, triggering the explosion and oil spill.


Settlers devise new strategy to scare away Palestinian neighbors

Bedouin tribesman West BankSome settlers are employing a new strategy to get Palestinians evicted from their land in the northern region of the Jordan Valley, Haaretz has learned. A number of settlers, some of whom are residents of the Maskiot settlement, set up a "protest" tent next to a tent belonging to Bedouin herdsmen near Wad el Maleh, on private Palestinian land.

Last Thursday, after the Palestinians complained to the civil administration, both the Israelis and Palestinians there were handed decrees declaring the area a closed military zone, signed by brigade commander Yochai Ben-Yishai.


Confessions Of A Wall St. Nihilist: Forget About Goldman Sachs, Our Entire Economy Is Built On Fraud

That may be true, but all bubbles to eventually burst, all Ponzi schemes do collapse. The only question is when. For those of us not on the verge of retiring, the sooner we have this day of reckoning and get it over with, the better.


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