Saturday, Sep 28th

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Rove refuses subpoena, leaves country

Former White House adviser Karl Rove has ignored a subpoena from congressional Democrats to testify about allegations of political pressure at the Justice Department and his alleged role in the prosecution of a former governor of Alabama.


Just two of the 19 dishes on the dinner menu at the G8 food shortages summit

But not since Marie Antoinette was supposed to have leaned from a Versailles palace window and suggested that the breadless peasants eat cake can leaders have demonstrated such insensitivity to daily hardship than at the luxury Windsor hotel on the Japanese island of Hokkaido.

They have told their people to tighten their belts for lean times ahead, but you feared for presidential and prime ministerial girdles after the chance to tuck into further dishes including milk-fed lamb, roasted lamb with cepes, and black truffle with emulsion sauce. Finally there was a "fantasy" dessert, a special cheese selection accompanied by lavender honey and caramelised nuts, while coffee came with candied fruits and vegetables.

Leaders cleverly skated around global water shortages by choosing from five different wines and liqueurs.


US planned nerve gas tests on Aussies

Newly declassified Defence and Prime Minister's office files show that the US was strongly pushing then prime minister Harold Holt's government in the 1960s to allow tests of two of the deadliest chemical weapons ever developed -- VX and GB, better known as Sarin nerve gas.


Bush-Cheney Crony Got Iraq Oil Deal

Ray Hunt, the Texas oil man who landed a controversial oil production deal with Iraq’s Kurdistan regional government, has enjoyed close political and business ties with Vice President Dick Cheney dating back a decade – and to the Bush family since the 1970s.

“Documents obtained by the Committee indicate that contrary to the denials of Administration officials, advisors to the President and officials in the State and Commerce Departments knew about Hunt Oil’s interest in the Kurdish region months before the contract was executed,” Waxman wrote.

Waxman said the Hunt-Kurdish case also raised questions about the veracity of similar administration denials about its role in arranging more recent contracts between Iraq and major U.S. and multinational oil companies, including Exxon Mobil, Shell, BP and Chevron.

Plus, there’s the longstanding suspicion that oil was a principal, though unstated, motive behind the Bush administration’s invasion of Iraq, which sits on the world’s second-largest oil reserves.

Administration officials – and much of the mainstream U.S. media – have ridiculed the oil motive charge as a conspiracy theory.


The United States Constitution

TVNL Comment: On this so called "Independence" Day the majority of Americans who feel there is cause to celebrate will most likely to continue to wrap the flag around their eyes and ears as not to see what their nation actually stands for...or how it actually conducts itself in real life. Well here is my comment about the flag...screw the damn is a symbol of something that no longer exists. People should not honor a flag or a symbol. America's so called greatness is based on one thing and one thing alone...the US Constitution. We have a person occupying the office of US President who referred to this sacred document as a "goddamned piece of paper". A real American would have made a noose out of the nearest flag and hanged George W. Bush for saying that...and for his 8 year assault on the Constitution. So today...put the damn flags down...stop celebrating...stop drinking...stop pigging out...and read the Constitution for a change. Then maybe you will understand why the people who now occupy and control the U.S. government are the absolute enemies of our so called great nation. Wake up...and join real American fighting against their criminal assault of our true independence, freedom and liberty! - Jesse Richard - Editor,

Read the Constitution here...

USS Liberty — New Revelations in Attack on American Spy Ship

On June 8, 1967, US Navy intelligence ship USS Liberty was suddenly and brutally attacked on the high seas in international waters by the air and naval forces of Israel. The Israeli forces attacked with full knowledge that this was an American ship.


Why are Israeli firms providing the most sensitive security in the US?

With all the jargon in Washington about "securing the nation's borders" against foreigners, you would think those corporations carrying out border security and deportation would be US companies.


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