Sunday, Sep 29th

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Demorcatic Sen. Dave Hansen wins Wisconsin recall election

Dave Hansen winsVoters have spoken out against recall efforts of Green Bay Democratic Senator Dave Hansen.  With 65% of the preliminary voting results in, Hansen is expected to win the recall election with more than two-thirds of the vote against Republican David VanderLeest.

Hansen’s win is expected to set the tone for upcoming recall elections of six Republican set for August 9th, and for two other Democrats facing recall elections on August 16th.


Stress-related condition ‘incapacitates’ Bachmann; heavy pill use alleged

Bachmann's headachesThe Minnesota Republican frequently suffers from stress-induced medical episodes that she has characterized as severe headaches. These episodes, say witnesses, occur once a week on average and can “incapacitate” her for days at time.

On at least three occasions, Bachmann has landed in the hospital as a result. “She has terrible migraine headaches. And they put her out of commission for a day or more at a time. They come out of nowhere, and they’re unpredictable,” says an adviser to Bachmann who was involved in her 2010 congressional campaign.


Obama endorses repeal of Defense of Marriage Act

Obama supports repeal of DOMAPresident Obama endorses a new congressional proposal to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act, which basically defines marriage as between a man and a woman. This year, the administration said it would no longer defend the Defense of Marriage Act in federal court.

White House spokesman Jay Carney said: The president has long called for a legislative repeal of the so-called Defense of Marriage Act, which continues to have a real impact on the lives of real people, our families, friends and neighbors.

He is proud to support the Respect for Marriage Act, introduced by Sen. (Dianne) Feinstein and


War With Iran? US Neocons Aim to Repeat Chalabi-Style Swindle

John Bolotonn 1991, Iraqi exiles set up the Iraq National Congress (INC) with funding from the CIA. Under the leadership of Ahmad Chalabi, and flush with tens of millions dollars in US government funding, the INC allied itself with the neoconservatives in Washington and unceasingly beat the drums of war, presenting itself as the popular democratic alternative to Saddam Hussein and feeding faulty intelligence to an eager media and Bush administration.

Eventually, they succeeded in dragging the United States into disastrous war that cost Americans and Iraqis their lives and caused incalculable damage to American prestige and power. Now, history may be repeating itself.


As Ralph Reed Steers ‘GOP Israel Primary,’ Documents Reveal Right-Wing Israeli Group Is Paying Him

Ralph ReedHawkish pro-Israel positions have become a litmus test for Republican candidates, particularly in the 2012 presidential campaign. And one of the political operatives driving this phenomenon is none other than Ralph Reed, the disgraced lobbyist who left the Christian Coalition to form Century Strategies.

Reed’s newest group, the Faith and Freedom Coalition, has actively encouraged Tea Party activists and GOP politicians to champion far right Israeli priorities. Deputy Speaker of the Knesset Danny Danon helped headline Reed’s last Faith and Freedom conference, where nearly every GOP presidential candidate spoke.


Michele Bachmann's Church Says the Pope Is the Antichrist

Bachmann's church: Pope is the antiChristMichele Bachmann is practically synonymous with political controversy, and if the 2008 presidential election is any guide, the conservative Lutheran church she belonged to for many years is likely to add another chapter due to the nature of its beliefs--such as its assertion, explained and footnoted on this website, that the Roman Catholic Pope is the Antichrist.

Bachmann was a longtime member of the Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church in Stillwater, Minn., which belongs to the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS), a council of churches founded in 1850 that today comprises about 400,000 people.


Dual Citizenship -- Loyal to Whom?

"Can one imagine a Japanese citizen serving in the Pentagon during WWII? Or how about a citizen of the Soviet Union holding a cabinet position in the White House during the Cold War? ... While the Iraq War was waged on lies about Weapons of Mass Destruction and revenge for 911, the real reason has emerged as a well designed global plan to improve the power and leverage of Israel. Added to this policy is yet another potential blow to American interests and security -- the impending War with Iran. This war will be waged for the security of Israel and will be paid for by the blood of American soldiers and the hard-earned money of American citizens whose quality of life is inversely tied to the cost of petroleum."


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