The oil industry spent more than $1 million lobbying in Alaska as it tried to lower state oil taxes this year, including a $3,120 dinner in Washington, D.C., when the Alaska Legislature shut down for lawmakers’ “Energy Break” trip to the nation’s capital.
The spending, which ranged from wining and dining Alaska legislators to statewide advertising campaigns, came as the industry and Alaska Gov. Sean Parnell made a heavy but unsuccessful push to convince the Alaska Legislature to slash how much the state taxes the profits made by the oil companies.
Oil industry opened the checkbooks to influence Alaska legislators
Media Blackout As Obama Appoints First Ever Assassination Czar
Corporate news blackout as Obama designates John Brennan as the sole person in charge of designating people to be assassinated.
John Brennan, Obama’s chief counterterrorism advisor was a name that you did not see on the Mainstream media today as they continue to run stories that serve to distract the masses from stories that matter.
GOP plan protects Pentagon, cuts food stamps, health care, Meals on Wheels
Moving to protect the military from a crippling wave of budget cuts next year, a key House committee voted Monday to cut instead food aid, health care and social services like Meals on Wheels.
The measure would require federal employees to contribute more to their pensions, saving taxpayers more than $80 billion over the coming decade, while illegal immigrants would be denied tax refunds from the $1,000 per-child tax credit.
Occupy Wall Street stages day of US protests
Occupy Wall Street protesters have staged rallies across the US as they called for a nationwide general strike to mark International Workers' Day.
Thousands gathered to protest peacefully in Union Square in New York City. That rally came hours after arrests and a confrontation with police on the city's Fifth Avenue. In Oakland, California protesters clashed with police as flash-bang grenades and tear gas were used.
ALEC Says It Plans To Craft Legislation To Take Down State Renewable Energy Targets
Two leading conservative political organizations say they are stepping up coordinated efforts to repeal state-level renewable energy targets.
The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) — a “stealth business lobbyist” that works with corporate interests to help them write and implement “model” legislation — says it may soon start crafting laws designed to kill or weaken state targets for renewable electricity, heating and fuels.
Turnbull laments state of US politics
MALCOLM Turnbull has sharply criticised the corrupting power of money in the US and described America as looking ''like a country that is barely governed''.
He attacks the Republican idea that the budgetary situation can be improved by cutting the taxes of the wealthy as ''just bizarre'', and describes the right-wing Tea Party as extreme, reactionary and radical.
Author Robert Manne writes: ''He thinks that American voluntary voting encourages Republican extremism and the search for 'hot-button issues', like abortion or guns or gay marriage or Obama as a secret Muslim.
Secret Video Catches Missouri GOP Admitting Rigging Caucus
Bryan Spencer, Former St. Charles County Republican Central Committeeman and Caucus Subcommittee Chairman, admits to premeditated rigging of the St. Charles County Caucus.
He clearly explains how he looked at how the GOP rigged the Caucuses In Iowa, Maine, And Nebraska and took the same steps to prevent Ron Paul supporters from having their say in the Missouri caucuses.
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