Over 150 Jewish Canadians signed a statement expressing their concerns about the campaign to suppress criticism of Israel that is being carried on within Canada. The signatories include many prominent Canadians, including Ursula Franklin O.C., Anton Kuerti O.C., Naomi Klein, Dr. Gabor Mate, and professors Meyer Brownstone (recipient of Pearson Peace Medal), Natalie Zemon Davis, Michael Neumann, and Judy Rebick.
VIDEO: Jon Stewart and Jim Cramer: The Extended Daily Show Interview
Jim Cramer and Jon Stewart went toe-to-toe last night. It was just like Ali-Foreman, only with more head trauma. But you didn't see everything. Much of the interview had to be cut for time. But this is the internet, where all we have is time. So, here now, is the exclusive, uncensored, complete three-part interview.
TVNL Comment: The key point made is that the conduct of CNBC is criminal. As we say every day...the so called news industry is the greatest enemy of the American people. They do not fail, they do not cower, they are not afraid to ask tough questions...they are complicit in the crimes against the citizens. It is their job to crrate and maintain a false reality so that the people of our nation do not see the actions of the people who rule our nation via back room control and manipulation. That is the big message of this piece.
VIDEO: Jon Stewart creams Jim Cramer on the Daily Show
Jon Stewart made Jim Cramer look like a wounded puppy tonight as the CNBC host joined The Daily Show after a full week of back-and-forth.
Tonight we had the big face-off, the heavyweight bout, the Super Bowl square-off between CNBC's Jim Cramer and Comedy Central's Jon Stewart. Cramer was especially upset about being included in a segment TDS produced on the horrible and almost criminal reporting CNBC has been airing as THE go-to business network after CNBC's Rick Santelli attacked average working-class people who got caught up in the sub-prime mortgage crisis. Santelli dubbed them as "losers." Well, the only loser tonight was Cramer and CNBC.
Columbia Journalism School professor: ‘F*ck new media.’
New York Magazine notes that at Columbia University, one of the nation’s top journalism schools, many professors are advocating a “more significant shift” to new media instruction, with one suggesting that students learn about live-blogging. But they’re up against professors like Ari Goldman, who believe new media is completely irrelevant. In fact, on the first day of his class, “Research and Writing 1,” Goldman told students, “F*ck new media“:
Fox Admits To Planting Political Brainwashing In Popular TV Shows
Corporation boasts of “inserting messages” about global warming into hit shows like The Simpsons, 24, Prison Break & Family Guy.
Rupert Murdoch’s Twentieth Century Fox corporation has admitted to planting political brainwashing within its globally popular TV shows and indeed boasts that it is proud of the fact.
This is not the first time Fox have been enthusiastic in propagandizing for the establishment. In 2003, Rupert Murdoch himself admitted that the corporation had “tried” to help the Bush administration sell the war in Iraq.
Crisis in the US newspaper industry
If the economic crisis goes on much longer, will there be any newspapers left in the US to write about it?
"You take readers and advertisers who were already migrating away from print, and add a steep recession, and you've got serious trouble," writes the New Yorker's James Surowiecki.
Of course, print circulation losses are being partially offset by increases in online readership.
The problem for the newspapers has been finding a way to turn increased readership into increased revenue.
Do you write articles giving the truth about the Israeli/Palestinian conflict? Do you have a Blog known for its anti zionist viewpoints? Have you been getting extra ‘visitors’ to your Blog who leave negative comments or participate in polls?
If yes to any of the above, there is a good reason for all of this….it’s a project called Megaphone Israel. It is a new desktop tool that alerts its subscribers to any entries that might be anti Israel or anti zionist.
After notification, the ‘warriors’ jump into action and attack the source of the article.
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