Saturday, Sep 28th

Last update06:55:34 AM GMT

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What is Really Happening

I watched BBC World News for a timed hour yesterday. In that time I saw:

  • Pro-Israeli (including US government) speakers - 17
  • Pro-Palestinian speakers - 2
  • Mentions of Hamas Rockets as reason for war - 37
  • Mentions of illegal Israeli settlements - 0
  • Mentions of Palestinians killed by Israel during "ceasefire" - 2
  • Mentions of Sderot - 12
  • Mentions Sderot used to be Palestinian - 0

If you don't believe me, try it yourself.


Jewish editor sacked for publishing article

In fact, prior to the occupation, Jews represented a mere seven per cent of the population and owned three per cent of the land.

Taking the blinders off for a moment, I see a second atrocity perpetuated by the very people who should be exquisitely sensitive to the suffering of others. These people knew what it felt like to be ordered out of your home at gun point and forced to march into the night to unknown destinations or face execution on the spot. The people who displaced the Palestinians knew first hand what it means to watch your home in flames, to surrender everything dear to your heart at a moment's notice. Bulldozers levelled hundreds of villages, along with the remains of the village inhabitants, the old and the young. This was nothing new to the world.


The Times to Sell Display Ads on the Front Page

In its latest concession to the worst revenue slide since the Depression, The New York Times has begun selling display advertising on its front page, a step that has become increasingly common across the newspaper industry.

The New York Times Company, like newspaper publishers around the country, has taken several steps to cut costs and increase revenue in the last two years, including reducing staff through buyouts and layoffs, cutting the physical size of its pages, selling or closing subsidiaries and raising subscription prices.


Group: Israel deliberately attacked Palestinian journalists

The press group, which fights for better protection of journalists in conflict zones, also condemned the recent deaths of two journalists as a result of Israeli attacks.

"Two Palestinian journalists were killed one in previous attacks by Israel, photographer Hamza Shahin,who died on 26 December 2008, and another during the current military round on 3 January, Omar Silawi.

"The current attacks against Palestinian journalists remind the media community of the attacks that were committed by Israel against Lebanese media in the July-August war 2006," the press group said, referring to the conflict between Israel and Lebanon's Hezbollah militia.


Blaming The Victims: The Dominant Media Vilify Hamas

The dominant media also in their customary role - guarding the powerful and suppressing uncomfortable truths in lieu of full and accurate reporting. They're in high gear over Gaza. They vilify Hamas, stay silent about Gazan suffering, are mute on the crippling blockade, its devastating human toll, and practically champion Israel's call for "all-out war" and the slaughter of defenseless men, women, children and infants.


Will AP Stop at Nothing to Push for War on Iran?

The Associated Press Lies and Deceives While Defaming Islam and Christianity, in Its Latest Apologia for Israel’s Massacre on Gaza.

AP’s selective, sensationalistic, and obviously agenda-inspired use of the “translation” — suicide bombing — is no better than referring to the Israeli Army’s practice of putting Druze and Christian soldiers on the frontlines as blood libel. In the very least, it shows  a lack of professionalism, honesty, and objectivity on AP’s part; at most, it is a disgusting, politically-motivated, collectivist attack on several billion humans of the world and their faith.


Lights Out in Gaza, News Blackout in US

Despite international outcry over escalating violence, the U.S. mainstream media continues to privilege a prepackaged narrative in which Israel's actions are never disproportionate, never counterproductive and certainly never gratuitous. According to the mainstream media, the U.S. must continue uncompromisingly supporting Israel because the allegedly beleaguered democracy is held hostage by monomaniacal Islamofascists who are inherently evil.  Promoting a paradigm in which Israel is always David up against Goliath, the U.S. media presents suffering Palestinians as expendable for the greater cause of Israel winning its epic struggle. To justify U.S.'s carte blanche to Israel, the mainstream media restricts American readers to an echo chamber in which the following claims are repeated ad nausem until they are mistaken for fact:


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