The US House of Representatives has voted to treat tobacco as a drug and have it regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
The bill would tighten restrictions on advertising, impose new penalties for selling to children and require all new products to be approved by the FDA.
But the White House threatened to veto the bill, saying it would put an enormous burden on the FDA.
US vote says cigarettes are drugs
How High Fructose Corn Syrup Makes you Gain Weight
New research from UT Southwestern Medical Center shows the amazing speed that our bodies make body fat from fructose. One of the reasons why low carb diets help you lose weight is that they reduce your intake of fructose.
“The message from this study is powerful because body fat synthesis was measured immediately after the sweet drinks were consumed,” Dr. Parks said. “The carbohydrates came into the body as sugars, the liver took the molecules apart like tinker toys, and put them back together to build fats. All this happened within four hours after the fructose drink. As a result, when the next meal was eaten, the lunch fat was more likely to be stored than burned.
TVNL Comment: For the past 20 years I have been saying that the soft drink industry is greatly responsible for the obviously abnormal rates of diabetes and obesity. Too much sugar gets into the body too fast. What do you expect will happen when you consume soft drinks on a regular basis?
Health Hazards in Household Cleaners Exposed
Recent research suggests that exposure to cleaning products or air fresheners that contain a certain volatile organic compound (VOC) called 1,4 dicholorobenzene (1,4 DCB), can reduce lung function by 4 percent. Another study found that the use of spray household cleaners could increase the risk of developing asthma by nearly 50 percent.
Former FDA Deputy Commissioner Gottlieb Now Pushing Big Pharma Drugs
Due to his Wall Street connections with the pharmaceutical industry, Gottlieb frequently had to recuse himself from discussions that were part of his FDA duties. He gained notoriety for calling the early termination of a multiple sclerosis drug study "an overreaction," even though three participants had died, and was highly critical of the groundbreaking Women's Health Initiative study, which found that hormone replacement therapy posed more risks than benefits to women's health.
In 2005, Eli Lilly was convicted of illegally marketing osteoporosis drug Evista for off-label treatment and prevention of heart disease and cancer. According to Justice Department documents, Eli Lilly decided to market the drug off-label when early sales of the drug for osteoporosis alone proved disappointing.
Fresh scent may hide toxic secret
The scented fabric sheet makes your shirts and socks smell flowery fresh and clean. That plug-in air freshener fills your home with inviting fragrances of apple and cinnamon or a country garden.
But those common household items are potentially exposing your family and friends to dangerous chemicals, a University of Washington study has found.
Trouble is, you have no way of knowing it. Manufacturers of detergents, laundry sheets and air fresheners aren't required to list all of their ingredients on their labels -- or anywhere else. Laws protecting people from indoor air pollution from consumer products are limited.
U.S. Rushes to Change Workplace Toxin Rules
Political appointees at the Department of Labor are moving with unusual speed to push through in the final months of the Bush administration a rule making it tougher to regulate workers' on-the-job exposure to chemicals and toxins.
The agency did not disclose the proposal, as required, in public notices of regulatory plans that it filed in December and May.
But the fast-track approach has brought criticism from workplace-safety advocates, unions and Democrats in Congress. Some accuse the Bush administration of working secretly to give industry a parting gift that will help it delay or block safety regulations after President Bush leaves office.
TVNL Comment: I think at this point it is pretty safe to say that anything we do to stop or eliminate every member of the Cheney/Bush administration can be considered self defense. Everything these people have done and are doing has made us less safe or directly harmed (or killed) us. They have attacked our liberties, our finances, our health, our access to information, our environment and our entire world. If "the people next door" tried to do to us what these people have done to us...we would form a lynch mob.
Have scientists discovered a cure for Alzheimer's?
A single 20mg pill of the drug, called Dimebon, taken three times a day, appears to be twice as effective in improving cognitive performance and preventing deterioration in memory as existing drugs.
Dimebon was used as an antihistamine in Russia 20 years ago, but it was withdrawn from the market when newer drugs superseded it.
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