Saturday, Sep 28th

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Nonstick Cookware Chemicals Found in Human Breast Milk

Toxic chemicals used in nonstick coatings and stain-resistant fabrics were found in the breast milk of every woman tested in a recent study conducted by researchers from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.

Researchers tested the milk from 45 different nursing mothers for two different varieties of perflourinated compounds (PFCs): perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), also known as C8. PFOA is used in nonstick coatings such as Teflon, while PFOS is an ingredient in stain-resistant fabric.


Feds to unplug medical subsidy

The Bush administration plans to drop Medicaid coverage for 18,000 low-income parents in Minnesota, a move that has stunned state officials who say they didn't see it coming.

The decision, buried in a 29-page document outlining federal changes affecting the state's subsidized health program, known as MinnesotaCare, has prompted written protests from all 10 members of Minnesota's congressional delegation, along with two emergency bills to head off the cuts, which could total $135 million over three years.


Hurdles Keep Street Drugs Out of Medicine Chest

The patients at Dr. Michael Mithoefer's clinic in South Carolina all suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder. Some are the victims of rape and child sexual abuse, others -- veterans returning home from Iraq -- bear the psychic scars of war.

They have tried other therapies before but here, under the watchful eye of Mithoefer and his staff, they're trying something new -- MDMA, better known as ecstasy, a drug that if bought on a street corner would land these patients in jail. 


Codex Alimentarius: Population Control Under the Guise of Consumer Protection

The most dominant country behind the agenda of Codex is the United States whose sole purpose is to benefit multinational interests like Big Pharma, Big Agribusiness, Big Chema and the like. At the latest meeting in Geneva, the U.S. recently became the chair of Codex which will facilitate an exacerbation of the distortion of health freedom and will continue the promulgation of misinformation and lies about genetically modified organism (GMOs) and nutrients while fulfilling the tacit population control agenda. The reason the U.S. continues to dominate Codex is because other countries falsely believe the U.S. possesses the latest and greatest safety technology when it comes to food and hence, whatever the U.S. asks for, its allies (E.U., Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, Australia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, Singapore) follow suit nearly every time.


Life Expectancy Drops For Many Americans as Health Care Failures Mount

The most recent numbers on life expectancy around the world show that life expectancy numbers in the United States are worsening, both in absolute and relative terms - a trend that has been blamed on the large proportion of the population with inadequate health insurance.

"There should no longer be a debate," said Dave Zwiefel, editor emeritus of the Capital Times, in an opinion piece published in the Madison, Wis., newspaper. "Health coverage produces healthier citizens. It's time for the U.S. to stop tinkering around the edges, putting Band-Aids on a broken system, and face reality. We need, no, we deserve, a universal, single-payer health care system - now."


FDA Approves Breast Cancer Drug Avastin Despite Opposition by Advisory Panel

In spite of this record, an FDA advisory panel voted 5-4 against approving the drug for breast cancer. While studies have shown that Avastin shrinks breast tumors, there is no evidence that it lengthens or improves the quality of patients' lives.


Toxins in the Bodies of Newborns Lead to a Contaminated Generation

When a newborn baby takes her first breath she is already contaminated with a range of chemicals... this is the finding in the latest compelling research conducted by several leading authorities in the field of health and wellbeing. Raising awareness of toxic chemicals present in our everyday environment (food additives, personal care products, cleaning products etc.) and having the understanding that these chemicals, in most cases, are absorbed directly into the blood supply is fundamental to the health and wellbeing of our children and future generations. Most shocking from these latest findings is the fact that some of the chemicals found in newborn cord blood were banned decades ago!


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