Antibiotic resistance is a problem that has plagued researchers for years, but now researchers have developed a tool to combat antibiotic resistance.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, antibiotic resistance is responsible for at least 2 million infections and 23,000 deaths each year in the United States.
Researchers develop new tool to fight antibiotic resistance
Senate GOP brings Obamacare repeal bill out of the shadows
Senate GOP leaders on Thursday finally released their secret health-care reform bill, which would repeal Obamacare taxes, restructures subsidies to insurance customers based on their incomes and phase out Medicaid's expansion program.
The bill, if passed into law, would sharply reduce financial aid that currently helps millions of people obtain health coverage, while at the same time offering a tax break to primarily wealthy Americans.
Extra virgin olive oil staves off Alzheimer's, preserves memory, new study shows
Temple University research shows extra-virgin olive oil protects against memory loss, preserves the ability to learn and reduces conditions associated with Alzheimer's disease.
Researchers at the college's Lewis Katz School of Medicine found mice with EVOO-enriched diets had better memories and learning abilities compared to the rodents who didn't eat the oil.
CDC: 1 in 7 people in the United States has kidney disease
Thirty million American adults have chronic kidney disease -- but many don't know it.
That rate -- one in seven -- is higher than previously estimated, according to an analysis of data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The findings, based on 2011-2014 statistics, should "serve as a warning bell that a major public health challenge is right in front of our eyes and more must be done to address it," Kevin Longino, CEO of the National Kidney Foundation, said in a news release from the group.
Cancer Drug Proves to Be Effective Against Multiple Tumors
The 86 cancer patients were a disparate group, with tumors of the pancreas, prostate, uterus or bone. One woman had a cancer so rare there were no tested treatments. She was told to get her affairs in order.
Still, these patients had a few things in common. All had advanced disease that had resisted every standard treatment. All carried genetic mutations that disrupted the ability of cells to fix damaged DNA. And all were enrolled in a trial of a drug that helps the immune system attack tumors.
Trump is making America more hostile and mentally ill: New England Journal of Medicine study
A new review paper published in the New England Journal of Medicine reports that a growing body of empirical evidence shows how presidential elections can have effects on physical and mental health, and can influence behavior.
Specifically, they found evidence that suggests that the campaign and subsequent election of Donald Trump has had a negative effect on the mental well-being of Americans, and in particular those in marginalized groups who are vulnerable to discrimination.
Texas' pregnancy death rate among highest in developed world, but lawmakers fail to take significant action
Lawmakers in Texas largely failed to take significant action to address the state’s skyrocketing rate of pregnancy-related deaths just months after researchers found it to be the highest in not only the U.S., but the developed world.
Legislators introduced proposals to address the issue after a University of Maryland-led study found that Texas’ maternal mortality rate doubled between 2010 and 2012. But several key measures didn’t even make it to a legislative vote, falling victim to Republican infighting over other issues.
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