Friday, Jan 10th

Last update12:38:46 AM GMT

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Like Wyoming, Utah finds high wintertime ozone pollution near oil, gas wells

Utah finds ozone pollutionHigh levels of winter ozone air pollution have been recorded in a Utah oil and gas field — after the phenomenon was seen in Wyoming — raising concerns that such pollution could become more widespread.

A team of scientists is combing the Uintah Basin to determine the link between the area's 10,000 oil and gas wells and ozone levels, which in 2011 were higher in eastern Utah than in New York City.


Fukushima – worse than Chernobyl

FukushimaThere is good news and bad news: The good news is that 11 months after the Fukushima meltdown, thousands of Japanese marched in the streets to protest the continuing operation of nuclear power plants in their country, and urged a shift to renewable energy.

Some 250,000 people signed petitions to close the reactors in the Tokyo area. Meanwhile in the U.S. the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) approved the building of two new nuclear power plants in Georgia.


Everything you wanted to know about sex, at the gas pump

oil pipelineGasoline began its career as a leftover waste product from the refining of crude oil to get kerosene for lamps. A hundred years ago, refiners still burned most gasoline just to get rid of it. Today, things really haven’t changed that much, except that we now have the perception that gasoline is something precious. In a barrel of sweet crude, the gasoline content is on average about 51%, and that‘s a lot of waste to get rid of every day.

Demand for gasoline has dropped sharply in the last few years to the point where we export 117,000,000 gallons of gasoline and other fuels every day. Actually, this was the 2011 average, the surplus is still going up. In dollar value, this is now our largest manufactured export.


USDA to Give Monsanto’s New GMO Crops Special ‘Speed Approval’

If you thought Monsanto’s lack of testing on their current GMO crops was bad before, prepare to now be blown away by the latest statement by the USDA. Despite links to organ damage and mutated insects, the USDA says that it is changing the rules so that genetically modified seed companies like Monsanto will get ‘speedier regulatory reviews’. With the faster reviews, there will be even less time spent on evaluating the potential dangers. Why? Because Monsanto is losing sales with longer approval terms.


Former oil and gas driller voices concerns about shale gas exploration

As Albert Einstein said: "Insanity; doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

My name is Maxime Daigle and I from Pointe-Sapin, NB.... I’m a student in Electrical Engineering Technology/Alternate Energy Systems....and also a former oil & gas driller.....I’ve worked  on the oil rigs for number of years  in Alberta, British Colombia, Saskatchewan, Louisiana, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas and New-Brunswick.


4.0 earthquake rumbles near Illinois-Missouri border

Earthquake in MissouriA 4.0-magnitude earthquake rattled towns in four Midwestern states including downstate Carbondale but no major damage was reported, officials said.

The U.S. Geological Survey said the epicenter of a magnitude 4.0 earthquake at 3:58 a.m. was located near the town of East Prairie, Mo., roughly midway between St. Louis and Memphis. Several people in five states -- Missouri, Illinois, Arkansas,


EXPOSED: The 19 Public Corporations Funding The Climate Denier Think Tank Heartland Institute

Donor to HeartlandOne in a series of posts about the Heartland Institute’s inner workings, from internal documents acquired by ThinkProgress Green. Heartland has issued a press release claiming that some of these documents were sent to an outsider under false pretenses and that one document in the set is a fake, but the AP independently verified their contents.

Internal documents acquired by ThinkProgress Green reveal that the climate-denial think tank Heartland Institute received funding from at least 19 publicly traded corporations in 2010 and 2011.


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