Sunday, Sep 29th

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How 'Suspicious' Plane Crashes and Assassinations Benefit the Right Wing

Sometime in the early Fifties someone wrote, 'assassination became an instrument of U.S. national policy.' More recently, the 'weapon' of choice is the small aircraft. The most recent assassination by plane may turn out to be that of Michael Connell, the Bush IT guru who may have helped the GOP rig Bush's 'elections' of 2000 and 2004. He was a man who knew too much. That's always been sufficient to get you murdered.


The American ruling class

In an earlier period of history the US had its “robber barons,” such as Cornelius Vanderbilt, Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller. As brutal and greedy as these men were, their wealth was bound up with the creation of enormous industrial empires. The latter-day robber barons of Wall Street, on the other hand, have made their billions from the destruction of the industry and productive capacity built up over decades.


First, Jail All Bush's Lawyers

If new Attorney General Eric Holder really means what he said in his oath – that he will “support and defend the Constitution of the United States” – then he must give serious consideration to prosecuting crimes committed by the Bush administration, including its torturing of detainees.

Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney have repeatedly cited this legal guidance when insisting that the harsh interrogation of "war on terror" detainees – as well as other prisoners from the Iraq and Afghan wars – did not cross the line into torture.


The Emotional Violence Of Jewish Advocacy

Gideon Levy a Ha'aretz newspaper reporter recently asked: "If Israelis were so sure of the rightness of their cause, why the violent intolerance they display toward everyone who tries to make a different case?"

It seems that Americans are kind of in an abusive marriage situation with Israel, where because love and friendship are assumed to be there, the abused partner keeps feeling guilty and acting hyper-responsible, and tries even harder to please the abuser. Many Americans maintain friendships with pro-Israel Jews and simply decide not to discuss politics; however there is an emotional blackmail going on because if you did mention Israel or Jewish-American genocidalism, the relationship would be over.


Jason Miller: Homo rapiens be damned: Savagery is not programmed into our DNA

Purveyors of pop culture, indigenous movement leaders, renowned academics, literary giants, and powerful philosophers alike have admonished us that we humans need to change our evil ways. So given our amazing cognitive abilities and capacities to adapt our behaviors, why do we continue with our pathological parasitism?


It’s Not Going to Be OK

The daily bleeding of thousands of jobs will soon turn our economic crisis into a political crisis. The street protests, strikes and riots that have rattled France, Turkey, Greece, Ukraine, Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Bulgaria and Iceland will descend on us. It is only a matter of time. 


Wars And Economic Failure Have Been Marching Us Towards One World Government

The US and Israel are on parallel paths.  Each is now a base of operations for the Illuminati, and each will be discarded as a nation-state entity once their usefulness to the cause of the New World Disorder has been served, or at least that is the plan.  Our nations have become a den of vipers.  The corruption lies not with the common folk, but with their bought-and-paid-for or compromised leadership, while the common folk are kept in the dark by a corrupt media that is owned and controlled exclusively by the Illuminati.


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