Saturday, Sep 28th

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Prairie2: Going down with the ship

Singing shipMitt Romney stood in front of the battleship USS Wisconsin to announce his VP choice. It really was fitting that he stood in front of a ship that was obsolete and useless when it was built, just like the Ryan budget.

Also fitting was that he stood in front of a ship that Ronald Reagan dragged out of mothballs and fooled away billions of dollars on. Reagan did this in order to mask the collapsing economy he was creating with his trickle down voodoo economics.

Reagan added 400 ships to the Navy built around the four Iowa class floating money drains to "confront the Soviets". He did this because the Evil Empire had secret nuclear submarines, according to Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld. The CIA said no they didn't, but that only meant the Russians were keeping them secret.


Alex Baer: Update from the Asylum

Ryan v ObamaWell, how about that:  An always-blindfolded Willard Romney has finally chucked a dart at the photos staff had taped up on the wall, picking a running mate:  Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin.

OK -- so, checking the scorecard:  That makes a presumptive presidential candidate who's had everything he's ever wanted from the moment of birth... to a veep wannabe who has a burning need to take everything else left away from absolutely everyone else.  Perfect!


Alex Baer: A Visit with the End

TV NewsAs press conferences go, it was an un-shocking, non-breakthrough announcement from the Regional Integrated Group-Householded Television Network Association of Associations and Amalgamated Organizations, Unlimited, sporting specific advice for television viewers this political season:  "Hit the 'off' button and turn on your mind!"

Spokesperson Stan Bie said, "You know, television viewers who are tired of being spin-dizzied into psychosis, and weary of being carpet-bombed into oblivion by political ads this election season would do well to just turn the damn thing off."


Alex Baer: The Good-Bad-Ugly & Stupefying, Pt. 2

Clint EastwoodClint Eastwood has endorsed million dollar baby, Willard Romney, for President.  Of the United States, that is, to be clear.  The Mardis Gras parade, directed by Fellini in a Dali-esque style, marches on, magnum force.

Is there an angle here, Clint?  Some Hollywood hijinks, macho box-office stunt, or some other mighty-mojo attempt from your various acting-directing-producing and many other auspices?


Bob Alexander: Irrelevant but not Meaningless

Irrelevant but not meaninglessI won’t vote for Barack Obama. I can’t vote for Barack Obama. And it’s not because he’s not liberal enough for me. I gave up on the idea of a progressive president before I was old enough to vote. No … the reason I won’t vote for Obama is because he’s just slightly less murderous than George W. Bush. And a man with bloody hands doesn’t have our best interests at heart.

So who will I vote for?  Who cares?


Prairie2: The Odds Are Not in Our Favor

Odds not in our favorAccording to the rocket scientists at NASA (and I mean that in the good way), we are at a point in climate change due to global warming that they were predicting in the '80s we wouldn't reach until the end of the 21st century. Not only that, but a phenomenon has developed that they didn't foresee.

Unusual weather events like extreme drought (think Dust Bowl in the '30s, 500 year floods) things that used to be rare, events only occurring 1 in a 1000 times, these extreme weather events are now happening 1 out of 10 times. The odds are that as more heat becomes available to drive these weather patterns, this will only get worse.


Alex Baer: The Good-Bad-Ugly & the Stupefying - Pt. 1

Clint EastwoodIt has seemed for some time now that the world is hellbent on making campaigns of conversions -- not involving religion or philosophy, but making sure all normal and usual events are taken and converted into gibberish, transmuted into the surreal, then sprayed back at us like transmogrified clouds of pesticides.

Case in point:  Clint Eastwood has come out for million dollar baby, Willard Romney, for President.

At first, I thought I'd accidentally tripped my bookmarked link for The Onion.  I double-checked the page logos and address bar:  Nope, the BBC.


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