SAN FRANCISCO, California (CNN) -- The California Supreme Court has cleared the way for Californians to vote in November on whether to ban same-sex marriages in the state.
The court on Wednesday denied a petition to remove the initiative from the state's general election ballots. The unanimous decision was handed down without elaboration.
Californians cleared to vote on same-sex marriage ban
As America Collapses US Government Secret Plans Revealed
On March 13th 2008 there was a secret closed door meeting of The United States House Of Representatives in Washington. In the history of The United States this is only the fourth time a secret meeting was held by the house.
Except for a few hundred thousand U.S. Patriots, most Americans have no clue what has really been going on within The United States over the past 100 years, and the sad thing is that most do not want to know the truth.
This is the U.S. on drugs
Only cops and crooks have benefited from $2.5 trillion spent fighting trafficking.
The United States has been spending $69 billion a year worldwide for the last 40 years, for a total of $2.5 trillion, on drug prohibition -- with little to show for it. Is anyone actually benefiting from this war? Six groups come to mind.
TVNL Comment: The drug trade is controlled in many respects by the CIA. The money is used to fund illegal black ops. The pharmaceutical industry also wants drugs like pot to stay illegal because it it were legal we would see about 40% of prescription drugs a joint! Pot is safer and more effective and many, or I should say most competing expensive drugs. More on the drug trade and the CIA in this video...
Vendor Misinformation in the E-Voting World
At this point, the scientific evidence is in, it's overwhelming, and it's indisputable. The current generation of DRE voting systems have a wide variety of dangerous security flaws. There's simply no justification for the vendors to be making excuses or otherwise downplaying the clear scientific consensus on the quality of their products.
Ecology begins statewide rulemaking for rainwater collection
The new rule for the first time would define how much rainwater can be collected and used before a permit is required. The rule isn’t intended to regulate storage and release of rainwater when no “beneficial use” will be made of the water.
Under state law, beneficial uses include recreation, irrigation, residential water supplies and power generation.
TVNL Comment: Still think you are free? Still think that this is a democracy?
Government Is Sued Over Seizure of Liberty Dollars
A dozen people around the country filed suit in U.S. District Court in Idaho this week demanding the return of all the copper, silver, gold, and platinum coins — more than seven tons of metal in all — that the FBI and Secret Service seized in November during raids of a mint in Idaho and a strip mall storefront in Indiana.
The Justice Department had decided that the coins, many of which bear the familiar symbol of Lady Liberty and the phrase "TRUST IN GOD," were being illegally marketed as government-sanctioned currency, according to the sworn affidavit of an FBI agent.
Former AG Accused of Playing Politics with Justice
Former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, now under investigation for allegedly politicizing the Justice Department, ousted a top lawyer for failing to adopt the administration's position on torture and then promised him a position as a U.S. attorney to placate him, highly placed sources tell ABC News.
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