Friday, Sep 27th

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Judge: United Airlines not responsible for 'lapses' leading to 9/11

United AirlinesUnited Airlines bears no responsibility for suspected security lapses at a Maine airport that allowed hijackers onto the American Airlines plane that crashed into one of the World Trade Center towers on Sept. 11, 2001, a federal judge ruled.

TVNL Comment: Why would hijackers risk making a connecting flight in Maine when there are three airports within minutes of downtown Manhattan?  Think about it.


Martin Sheen, Woody Harrelson To Star In 9/11 'Truther' Film 'September Morn'

9/11Sept. 11th was surely one of the most defining and poignant moments in American history. The events of that day have been rehashed in countless television specials and documentaries, but in 2013 audiences can expect something different. A 9/11 "truther" fim titled "September Morn" is set to hit theaters and it has two big Hollywood names at the helm.

Martin Sheen and Woody Harrelson will star in the 9/11 truther flick, according to Yahoo! Movies. The film will focus on some of the theories presented by the truther movement, a coalition of individuals who believe that the mainstream media has deceived the public about what really happened on Sept. 11, 2001.


US more of a killer than hijackers - accused 9/11 plotter

Guantanamo trialThe alleged mastermind of 9/11 has said the US is responsible for the deaths of far more people than the hijackers who killed nearly 3000 in the 2001 attacks. He also accused the US of abusing the term national security to justify its actions.

Khalid Sheik Mohammed was allowed to address the military tribunal at the US base in Guantanamo Bay, during a pretrial hearing focused on the secrecy rules that will govern legal proceedings against him.

"When the [US] government feels sad for the killing of 3,000 on September 11, we also should feel sorry that the US government … has killed thousands of people, millions," Mohammed said in Arabic through his translator, as quoted by AP.


Pentagon prosecutors moving away from gag order on 9/11 suspects at Guantanamo

GitmoDefense lawyers in the Sept. 11 case said Tuesday that the Pentagon prosecutor is backing away from a national security doctrine that reflexively gags anything the accused 9/11 plotters say to anyone at Guantánamo.

At issue is the controversial theory of “presumptive classification.” Because the accused 9/11 conspirators were held for years in secret custody by the CIA, and are now confined to a secret prison at Guantánamo, anything they say starts off classified as a national security secret.

They are facing a death-penalty trial at the Guantánamo war court, and their defense lawyers have argued that the interpretation has straight-jacketed their trial preparation.


You Only Believe the Official 9/11 Story Because You Don't Know the Official 9/11 Story

WTC 7I don't believe the official story of 9/11 because I know the official story of 9/11!

During the past 10 years I have not met a single individual who, after doing research on the subject, switched from questioning the official narrative of the events of 9/11/2001 to believing the official narrative of those events..  It is always the other way around. Why do you think that is? There are good reasons for this, and I will try to explain this phenomenon right now.

The term "conspiracy theorist", perhaps the most misapplied description in our vernacular, is often used to describe 9/11 truthers. Perhaps that term does apply to a segment of the 9/11 truth movement. But in most cases a more accurate description of 9/11 truthers is probably "expert", or "scholar", or "researcher." You see, much of the doubt cast on the official narrative of the events of 9/11 has not come in the form of speculated accusations, or "theories." In fact, it has come in the form of questions that have been raised after a careful study of the official and undisputed events and details.


Feds to Recognize 9/11 Cancer Link: Report

Fedsto recotgnize 9/11 canceersThe federal government is expected to recognize that rescue workers and people living near Ground Zero on 9/11 got cancer as a result, according to a published report.

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health will announce this week that cancer will be among the illnesses covered in the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act, the New York Post reports.


Tough task for those compensating ill 9/11 workers

Compensation for 9/11 workersNearly two years after President Barack Obama signed the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act into law, about 40,000 responders and survivors receive monitoring and 20,000 get treatment for illnesses as part of the World Trade Center Health Program — one of the law’s two components. But the other, Birnbaum’s fund compensating the same kind of people for economic losses, hasn’t been as quick to get off the ground.

It’s not a matter of bureaucratic foot-dragging, but rather an illustration of the complexities of key legislation born of the attacks that took place 11 years ago next week.


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