Internet analysts say they believe the messages are genuine but federal authorities have refused to comment. The attacks on 11 September 2001 left nearly 3,000 people dead.
British officials heard the "drum beats" of war with Iraq emanating from the US government more than two years before the 2003 invasion and several months before the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Sir John Chilcot's Iraq inquiry has heard.
But the UK in 2001 refused to back a policy of regime change because the British view was that toppling Saddam Hussein would have been illegal.
Mohammed was subject to some of the harshest interrogation tactics used by US officials. He was reportedly waterboarded 183 times.
He claimed responsibility for the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, the decapitation of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl, Richard Reid's failed shoe bomber operation, the nightclub bombing in Bali, Indonesia, planning for a second-wave of attacks on the US...an assassination plot against former President Carter and former President Clinton [and seven other major acts of international terrorism.]
TVNL Comment: What? No claim to the assassination of Abraham Lincoln? What a sad joke this trial will be. Someone has to pay, and this pathetic madman will be the one to do just that.
Conspicuously missing from the group of high-value terror suspects is Abu Zubaydah. For those who have been following Zubaydah’s case, his exclusion isn’t surprising.
Zubaydah did not have operational ties to 9/11, the analyst told me. But in 2003, that same analyst told me that Zubaydah, during the course of his interrogation, had provided the “Rosetta Stone” of what really happened in the run-up to the 9/11 terror attacks.
J Street was formed a year and half ago as a more liberal alternative to the nation's main pro-Israel lobbying organization, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, better known as AIPAC. J Street's executive director has said that he wants his group to be the "blocking back" for Mr. Obama's efforts to bring peace to the Middle East.
But by taking on the long-established AIPAC and the hawkish Israeli government, and by embracing individuals who have expressed hostility to Israel, J Street also has alienated some veteran Israel supporters in Washington. For example, one of next week's speakers is a Muslim activist who has said that Israel should be considered a suspect in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
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