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At end, bin Laden wasn't running al Qaida, officials say

Bin Laden not running al Qaeda at the endOsama bin Laden was out of touch with the younger generation of al Qaida commanders, and they often didn't follow his advice during the years he was in hiding in northern Pakistan, U.S. and Pakistani officials now say.

Contradicting the assertions of some American officials that bin Laden was running a "command and control" center from the walled compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, officials say that bin Laden clearly wasn't in control of al Qaida, though he was trying to remain involved or at least influential.


U.S. drops charges against Osama bin Laden

Oama bin LadenU.S. criminal charges against Osama bin Laden were formally dropped Friday, 13 years after he was first indicted and seven weeks after his death. A judge signed an order based on a recommendation by the U.S. attorney's office in New York, ABC News reported.

The action officially closes the case against bin Laden. The first indictment, handed up in 1998, charged bin Laden as head of al-Qaida with planning the bombing of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. Several superseding indictments added hundreds of individual charges.

TVNL Comment: Osama Bin Laden was NEVER charged with involvement in the 9/11 attacks. Think about that!



NYPD Officer Martin Tom remembered, family claims he contracted deadly cancer at ground zero

NYPD officer Martin TomA veteran cop killed by cancer after working amid the deadly toxins of Ground Zero was hailed at his low-key funeral Wednesday as one of the unsung heroes of 9/11. The sendoff for veteran NYPD Officer Martin Tom was intentionally done with little fanfare over fears the city might seize his corpse - as it did with another cop killed by "9/11 toxic exposure."

Tom, 49, the father of a 4-year-old daughter, died last week after a 14-month fight with liver cancer that eventually spread to his brain.


CIA’s Bin Laden Hunter Ordered to Stand Down 10 Times

Michael Scheuer, the former chief of the Central Intelligence Agency’s (CIA's) Osama bin Laden unit, told the U.K. Daily Telegraph in a recent interview he was prevented from capturing or killing the terrorist by his superiors on at least 10 separate occasions.

The 22-year CIA veteran-turned-whistle=blower resigned from the agency in 2004, disgusted by the government’s lies surrounding the terror war. And he’s been embarrassing the U.S. establishment ever since.


Pentagon files death penalty case against five accused 9/11 plotters

US PentagonGuaantánamo war court prosecutors filed fresh death penalty charges against five men for allegedly plotting the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, accusing the former CIA captives of murder, conspiracy and terrorism, the Pentagon said Tuesday.

Relatives of the nearly 3,000 people killed in the attacks were notified of the pending charges on Monday, Memorial Day, said Army Lt. Col. Tanya Bradsher, a Pentagon spokeswoman.


Intelligence Unit Told Before 9/11 to Stop Tracking Bin Laden

Intel unit told to stop trcking Bin LadenA great deal of con­trover­sy has aris­en about what was known about the move­ments and loc­a­tion of Osama bin Laden in the wake of his kill­ing by US Speci­al For­ces on May 2 in Ab­bot­tabad, Pakis­tan. Ques­tions about what in­tel­lig­ence agen­cies knew or didn't know about al-Qaeda ac­tivit­ies go back some years, most pro­minent­ly in the con­trover­sy over the ex­ist­ence of a joint US Speci­al For­ces Com­mand and De­fen­se In­tel­lig­ence Agen­cy (DIA) data min­ing ef­fort known as "Able Dang­er."

What hasn't been dis­cus­sed is a Sep­temb­er 2008 De­part­ment of De­fen­se (DoD) in­spec­tor gener­al (IG) re­port, sum­mariz­ing an in­ves­tiga­tion made in re­spon­se to an ac­cusa­tion by a Joint For­ces In­tel­lig­ence Com­mand (JFIC) whistleb­low­er, which in­dicated that a sen­ior JFIC com­mand­er had hal­ted ac­tions track­ing Osama bin Laden prior to 9/11. JFIC is tas­ked with an in­tel­lig­ence mis­s­ion in sup­port of Uni­ted States Joint Force Com­mand (USJFCOM).


‘Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin,’ by former staffer Frank Bailey

"Blind Allegiance" to Sarah PalinFrank Bailey joined Sarah Palin’s campaign for governor of Alaska in its earliest days, showing up at her shabby headquarters in Anchorage with a paintbrush, toilet bowl cleaner and hammer in November 2005 and becoming part of her “Rag Tag Team,” as she fondly dubbed her original inner circle.

He’d grown up poor in Kodiak and worked as an airline baggage handler and middle manager. In Palin, he found a leader who elegantly fused faith and politics. She exuded charm, energy and idealism, and, most important, she inspired trust. Bailey was politically smitten: “In my mind, God had chosen her, and this was His will.”


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