Friday, Oct 04th

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Oil found in Gulf crabs raises new food chain fears

sippi  An oil spill tainted zoea which will, in time, become a blue crabUniversity scientists have spotted the first indications oil is entering the Gulf seafood chain — in crab larvae — and one expert warns the effect on fisheries could last “years, probably not a matter of months” and affect many species.

Scientists with the University of Southern Mississippi and Tulane University in New Orleans have found droplets of oil in the larvae of blue crabs and fiddler crabs sampled from Louisiana to Pensacola, Fla.


238 presidential scholars: Bush worst president of modern era, fifth worst in US history

President Bush ranked worst among modern presidents -- and the fifth worst in history, according to the poll by the Siena Research Institute. Ranking first? President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who led the country from 1933 until his death in 1945.


School of Terror

Much was made of al-Qaeda’s training camps in Afghanistan, the target of American bombers. But these were kindergartens compared with the world’s leading university of terrorism at Fort Benning in Georgia. Known until recently as the School of the Americas, it trained some 60,000 Latin American soldiers, policemen, paramilitaries and intelligence agents. Forty per cent of the Cabinet ministers who served in the genocidal regimes of Lucas Garcia, Rios Montt and Mejia Victores in Guatemala are graduates.


Energy Hegemony: Israel Eyes Lebanon’s Offshore Gas Reserves

“We are not obliged to state the limits of our State.” – David Ben Gurion, 14 May 1948

In all regional disputes, big or small, Israel will invariably threaten or implement violence. It is the preferred method of conflict resolution. The recent discovery of natural gas reserves in Lebanese territorial waters, and Israel’s claim to them, is no exception.


Amid Church Abuse Scandal, an Office That Failed to Act

Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger in 1982.The office led by Cardinal Ratzinger, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, had actually been given authority over sexual abuse cases nearly 80 years earlier, in 1922, documents show and canon lawyers confirm.

But for the two decades he was in charge of that office, the future pope never asserted that authority, failing to act even as the cases undermined the church’s credibility in the United States, Australia, Ireland and elsewhere.


Secret document: Tony Blair knew war against Iraq was illegal

Tony Blair knew Iraq war was illegaTony Blair’s irritation and frustration at being told that going to war in Iraq would be illegal have been made public with the unprecedented release of top secret Government documents.

On one note, written six weeks before the March 2003 invasion, the then-prime minister scrawled “I just do not understand this” alongside a warning from Lord Goldsmith, the attorney general, that military force would be illegal without a fresh United Nations resolution.


British gorilla expert murdered in Cameroon

Gorilla expert Ymke Warren has been murdered in Cameroon

Primatologist Ymke Warren, 40, had her throat slit after she was bound and gagged when she confronted an intruder at the home she shared with her boyfriend Aaron Nicholas in the coastal town of Limbe.

Dr, Warren escaped the genocide in Rwanda in the early 90s, and then ran the Dian Fossey project studying Cross River gorillas, one of west Africa's most threatened primate populations.


Whistle blower to testify on oil spill worst fear:BP deliberately sinks oil with Corexit as cover up

In a shocking interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper on June 29th, Allegiance Capitol Corporation V.P. Fred McCallister said that BP is deliberately sinking oil with the toxic chemical disbursant Corexit, to hide the size of the oil spill. By sinking the oil before it can be collected, BP won’t have to pay fines on it.


'Israel licensed to destroy with impunity'

Amid "illegal" Israeli plans to destroy Palestinian homes, a former US congresswoman says Tel Aviv has "impunity" for the aggressive efforts of the pro-Israel lobby in the US.

"The United States and Europe give Israel impunity," Cynthia McKinney said in an interview with Press TV.


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