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9/11 ANALYSIS: From Ronald Reagan and the Soviet-Afghan War to George W Bush and September 11, 2001

Osama bin Laden, America's bogyman, was recruited by the CIA in 1979 at the very outset of the US sponsored jihad. He was 22 years old and was trained in a CIA sponsored guerilla training camp.

The architects of the covert operation in support of "Islamic fundamentalism" launched during the Reagan presidency played a key role in launching the "Global War on Terrorism" in the wake of 9/11.


Judge declares U.S. military's 'don't ask, don't tell' unconstitutional

Judge: don't ask don't tell law is unconstitutionalA federal judge in Riverside declared the U.S. military’s ban on openly gay service members unconstitutional Thursday, saying the “don't ask, don't tell” policy violates the 1st Amendment rights of lesbians and gay men. U.S. District Court Judge Virginia A. Phillips said the policy banning gays did not preserve military readiness, contrary to what many supporters have argued, saying evidence shows that the policy in fact had a “direct and deleterious effect’’ on the military.

Phillips said she would issue an injunction barring the government from enforcing the policy. However, the U.S. Department of Justice, which defended “don’t ask, don’t tell” during a two-week trial in Riverside, will have an opportunity to appeal that decision.


Israel admits: During war there are no civilians

During war there are no civilians"During war there are no civilians," that’s what “Yossi,” an Israeli military (IDF) training unit leader simply stated during a round of questioning on day two of the Rachel Corrie trials, held in Haifa’s District Court earlier this week. “When you write a [protocol] manual, that manual is for war,” he added.

For the human rights activists and friends and family of Rachel Corrie sitting in the courtroom, this open admission of an Israeli policy of indiscrimination towards civilians -- Palestinian or foreign -- created an audible gasp.


Israel could drag out peace deal over decades

Israel reportedly hopes that a protracted timetable would test the viability of a peace deal by gradually building confidence that its security needs would be met even as it withdrew from territory that would become part of a Palestinian state.

Israel Hayom, a pro-government newspaper controlled by allies of Mr Netanyahu, said Palestinian officials were deeply opposed to dragging out the implementation phase for decades. It quoted an associate of Mr Abbas as saying that the proposal was proof "that Netanyahu wants to buy time."

More... Founder Jesse Richard to Speak at NY 9/11 Event

We Are Change will be holding several 9/11 events this week that will include actions, speeches and workshops.'s Jesse Richard will be speaking on Thursday night at 7:00 PM September 9th at the INN World Report studio headquarters located at 56 Walker Street in NYC.

Details of the events can be found on the We Are Change website located here. You can take part in demonstrations and actions...we hope to see you there!

Please distribute this announcement to your friends and associated.

US soldiers 'killed Afghan civilians for sport and collected fingers as trophies'

Andrew Holmes, Michael Wagnon, Jeremy Morlock and Adam WinfieldTwelve American soldiers face charges over a secret "kill team" that allegedly blew up and shot Afghan civilians at random and collected their fingers as trophies.

Five of the soldiers are charged with murdering three Afghan men who were allegedly killed for sport in separate attacks this year. Seven others are accused of covering up the killings and assaulting a recruit who exposed the murders when he reported other abuses, including members of the unit smoking hashish stolen from civilians.


FDA censorship of nutritional science threatens health of all Americans

Nutritional cures exist for nearly every major disease, but the FDA doesn't want you to know about them. So it has censored truthful, scientifically-proven information about these substances in order to keep you ignorant about nutritional cures.

At the same time the FDA is attacking health foods, it openly allows ridiculous health claims on processed dead junk foods. Frito-Lay potato chips, for example, are allowed to carry claims that they are "heart healthy."


Is America’s racketeering ‘elite’ a terrorist organization

That power had always been there but now it is written into law. Corporations control America’s government and sending armies to do their bidding is now their legal right. There are no “checks and balances” left.

Calling them “armies” is also a misnomer, as much as calling congress a legislative body or the Supreme Court as an organization meant to support justice is equally silly. Let’s look at what we call an army or in a broader sense, our new “agile” military.


Foreign report: Israel has one of world's largest 'eavesdropping' intel bases

According to the report, the base has 30 antennas and satellite dishes of different sizes and types, capable of eavesdropping on telephone calls and accessing the e-mail of "governments, international organizations, foreign companies, political groups and individuals."


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