Saturday, Oct 05th

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Israeli presence on Palestinian land 'irreversible'

Israeli presence on Palestinian land 'irreversible'A UN human rights rapporteur has said continued settlement construction will probably make Israel's occupation of Palestinian land irreversible. Richard Falk said the peace process aimed at creating an independent, sovereign Palestinian state therefore appeared to be based on an illusion.

He said the UN, the US and Israel had failed to uphold Palestinians' rights. Israeli officials said Mr Falk's report on the Palestinian territories was biased and served a political agenda.


An overview of people caught up in Abramoff probe

Jack AbramoffThe lawmakers, lobbyists, Bush administration officials, congressional staffers and businessmen caught up in the Jack Abramoff public corruption probe: Abramoff was sentenced in September 2008 to four years in prison on charges of mail fraud, conspiracy and tax evasion. Since pleading guilty in 2006, the once-powerful lobbyist has cooperated with the federal investigation of influence-peddling in Washington.

He was sentenced to a six-year prison sentence in a criminal case out of Florida, where he pleaded guilty in January 2006 to charges of conspiracy, honest services fraud and tax evasion in the purchase of gambling cruise boats. He was released to a halfway house in June 2010 and then home confinement and has been working at a pizzeria.


Facebook conspiracy: Data mining for the CIA

Facebook, however, does what Chairman Mao, Joseph Stalin, or Adolf Hitler could not have dreamt of - it has a half billion people willingly doing a form of spy work on all their friends, family, neighbors, etc.—while enthusiastically revealing information on themselves.  The huge database on these half a billion members (and non-members who are written about) is too much power for any private entity—but what if it is part of, or is accessed by, the military-industrial-national security-police state complex?


Interior Ministry's Oz police unit accused of beating U.S. immigrants

Witnesses said Kristien Garrett's one-year-old daughter and Garrett's mother Trina Woodcox were struck a number of times as the officers moved to detain Garrett's husband. Sean Garrett was allegedly handcuffed, beaten repeatedly and subjected to racial slurs while in custody; he was later released when ministry officials determined that his visa was valid.

The Oz unit, which spearheads a high-profile Interior Ministry campaign to track and expel foreign nationals who lack valid permits to remain in Israel, admitted to having detained a family member in error, but denied allegations of use of physical force. It countered that family members had attacked them with "cursing and swearing."


Bulldozer driver testifies in Israeli trial over Rachel Corrie's death

The testimony in a lawsuit brought by the U.S. activist's family marks his first public comments since the woman's 2003 death in Gaza. Speaking from behind a screen, he says he remembers little.

"It's Rachel-something," he testified in a Haifa courtroom. "Carrie?"

The former Israeli reservist's courtroom appearance, his first public comments since the college student's 2003 death, was expected to be the dramatic climax of the Corrie family's long-running civil lawsuit against the Israeli government. But during more than four hours of testimony, the 38-year-old Russian immigrant, speaking from behind a screen to hide his identity, said he remembered little about that day and the young woman he ran over.


How to Run a Conspiracy: Sex and Blackmail

This is a question that I have wondered about as well. How do they keep all those people quiet, or acting against their own and society's best interests? The fact that the Federal Reserve system is still fully "operational", like the Star Wars Death Star, is proof enough that a large number of people can somehow be persuaded to "keep their mouths shut".

In this series of articles I will explain how this is accomplished.


Wikileaks: Iraq War Logs show US ignored torture allegations

US ignored torture allegations: WikileaksThe US military gave a secret order not to investigate torture by Iraqi authorities, Pentagon logs on the Iraq War leaked by the whistle-blowing website Wikileaks have disclosed.  The disclosure was included in almost 400,000 US military files leaked by Wikileaks to The Guardian, New York Times, Der Spiegel and Al-Jazeera.

It reveals that Frago 242 - an abbreviated order - instructed troops not to investigate any breach of the laws of armed conflict, such as the abuse of detainees, unless it directly involves members of the coalition.


Lillian McEwen breaks her 19-year silence about Justice Clarence Thomas

Lillian McEwen talks about Clarence ThomasFor nearly two decades, Lillian McEwen has been silent -- a part of history, yet absent from it. When Anita Hill accused Clarence Thomas of sexual harassment during his explosive 1991 Supreme Court confirmation hearing, Thomas vehemently denied the allegations and his handlers cited his steady relationship with another woman in an effort to deflect Hill's allegations.

Lillian McEwen was that woman. At the time, she was on good terms with Thomas. The former assistant U.S. attorney and Senate Judiciary Committee counsel had dated him for years, even attending a March 1985 White House state dinner as his guest.


O.J. Simpson's appeal denied

O.J. Simpson's appeal denied The Nevada Supreme Court refused to overturn former football star O.J. Simpson's armed robbery and kidnapping convictions stemming from a Las Vegas hotel room heist at gunpoint.

The court said in its ruling that it concluded that all of Simpson's arguments for appeal were without merit. But the court ordered the conviction of Simpson's co-defendant Clarence "C.J." Stewart to be reversed and a new trial held.


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