Saturday, Oct 05th

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Shattered glass and dreams: Shot at targeted woman wants Quaids heard

Randy Quaid"The Quaids are victims and the government controlled media is aware of it. Call it ‘organized gang stalking’, microwave energy assaults, forced heart attacks, or otherwise - these are criminals assaults." - D. Miles

Author and technology consultant Darlene Miles knows unwanted intrusions, including constant following, can and often do escalate to physical violence, sometimes death.

Private Investigator, Bill Taylor told the writer, the greatest Americans are being targeted and hurt the most.


Big Pharma Censors Ad Warning Women About Cancer Hormone

Eli Lilly headquartersLast month, when Breast Cancer Action, a non-profit advocacy organization, attempted to rent a billboard in Indianapolis, they got the kibosh by every rental company in the city.

The message was simple–the billboards simply read, “Eli Lilly is making us sick.Tell them to stop,” and referred to Lilly's manufacturing of recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH), which has been linked to cancer. BCA followed the guidelines of all companies contacted, but Indianapolis is home to Eli Lilly's corporate headquarters, and it seems their ad dollars aren't good there.


Does NBC's ethics policy apply to CNBC anchor Larry Kudlow and MSNBC's Joe Scarborough?

Jose ScarboroughToday, MSNBC suspended Keith Olbermann indefinitely for violating NBC News' policy and standards. As Politico first noted, Olbermann donated $2,400 apiece to three Democrats and "NBC has a rule against employees contributing to political campaigns."

If NBC News' policy extends to CNBC, the network may have a problem with Larry Kudlow, the anchor of CNBC's primetime show Kudlow & Company and co-anchor of the noon show The Call.


British Troops in Iraq Accused of Abusing Detainees

British troops in IraqA lawyer for 200 Iraqis demanding a public inquiry into what they have described as brutal mistreatment by British soldiers in a secret detention center near Basra told the High Court in London on Friday that the abuse amounted to “Britain’s Abu Ghraib.”

They buttressed that assertion with video recordings that appeared to show British interrogators bullying, humiliating and threatening a detainee. The opening day of the court hearing featured some of the most sensational accusations made against the British forces in years of inconclusive lawsuits and official inquiries.


Wikileaks Info Cherry Picked by Corporate Media to Bolster Case Against Iran

NY TimesA source provides details to the American government about the nefarious activities of a Middle Eastern country. That information ends up in scores of secret U.S. government documents. Subsequently, the information winds up on the front pages of major newspapers, and is heralded by war hawks in Washington as a casus belli.

Sound familiar? It should, but perhaps not in the way you’re thinking. Here’s a hint: It’s not 2003, but 2010. This is the story of what happened recently to Iran in the wake of the latest WikiLeaks document release, where U.S military field reports from Iraq made their way into major national newspapers and painted the Islamic Republic as a force out to murder U.S. soldiers in Iraq.


U.S. subjects its human rights record to review by U.N. council

UN Human Rights CouncilThe United States submitted Friday at the United Nations to unprecedented public scrutiny of its human rights record, drawing censure from friends and rivals for its policies on detention and the death penalty, but also praise from allies for its candor and willingness to accept constructive criticism.

A delegation of top officials, led by Assistant Secretary of State Esther Brimmer, gave diplomats at the U.N. Human Rights Council a detailed account of U.S. human rights shortcomings and the Obama administration's efforts to redress them. It marked the first time the United States has subjected its rights record to examination before the Geneva-based council, as part of a procedure that requires all states to allow their counterparts to grade their conduct.


All Diebold Touch-screen Voting Systems Fail on Election Day at 110 Polls Across Utah County, UT

Voters were forced to wait in line for up to an hour while technicians struggled to figure out how to correct the failure. Many voters simply gave up, walking away and becoming disenfranchised in the bargain when they couldn't hang around to wait that long to vote on a work day. As usual, the wide-spread failure (county-wide, in this case) was marginalized by the media as little more than a "glitch". Of course, had the county used paper ballots, nobody would have been disenfranchised, or had to wait on line for an hour to cast their vote. Voters across the entire state are now forced to vote on the Diebold touch-screen systems on Election Day.


The Final Insult to Arianna Huffington's Failed Journalism Experiment

The Huffington Post Investigative Fund, Arianna Huffington's failed attempt at nonprofit journalism, was taken over by the Center for Public Integrity. Now the Center for Public Integrity has been taken over by a right-wing hack. Ha-ha!

The Huffington Post Investigative Fund couldn't make it on its own, so it merged with the older and more established Center for Public Integrity last month, which was basically an acknowledgment that Huffington's grand plans and ambitions to "save" journalism amounted to little more than a way to get free copy for her for-profit web site.


Israeli gov't gave East Jerusalem lands to rightist groups, bypassing law

Silwan neighborhood of East JerusalemThe Israel Lands Administration is transferring properties in the Silwan neighborhood and the Old City of Jerusalem to right-wing groups Elad and Ateret Cohanim for low prices, without issuing a tender as required by law, a Haaretz investigation has found.

The state and the groups involved concealed the transactions and refused to give any information about them. At the end of a lengthy legal struggle conducted by left-wing activist Dror Etkes, the court decided to have the ILA release only part of the information, to prevent the properties' identification.


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