Saturday, Oct 05th

Last update02:10:56 AM GMT

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No Security Pat-Downs for Boehner

Representative John A. BoehnerRepresentative John A. Boehner, soon to be the Speaker of the House, has pledged to fly commercial airlines back to his home district in Ohio. But that does not mean that he will be subjected to the hassles of ordinary passengers, including the controversial security pat-downs.


America's Super-Secret War Criminal

George Herbert Walker BushThe life of George Herbert Walker Bush represents one of the most corrupt and devious people to ever hold the office of the presidency hostage. He is not deserving of anything but an actual trial for his treasons against the United States and the millions of people that he was responsible for murdering during his various official positions in the government.

As Vice-President, GHW Bush was able to cash-in on what he had done (for himself) as CIA Director (1976-77) when he began his ventures into drugs and guns around the world. In 1990 Noriega was snatched from power by Bush, and over 4,000 Panamanians were secretly burned alive in the three day US military attack on Panama in order to silence Noriega; about GHW Bush's role in guns and drugs in this hemisphere.


Ethnically Cleansing East Jerusalem

East JerusalemIn June 1967, Israel occupied the city. On July 30, 1980, the Knesset introduced the Jerusalem Law, officially annexing it as Israel's unified capital. However, on March 1, 1980, UN Security Council Resolution 465 declared that:

"all measures taken by Israel to change the physical character, demographic composition, institutional structure or status of the Palestinian and other Arab territories occupied since 1967, including Jerusalem, or any part thereof, have no legal validity and that Israel's policy and practices of settling parts of its population and new immigrants in those territories constitute a flagrant (Fourth Geneva) violation....and also constitute a serious obstruction to achieving a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the Middle East."


Web Censorship Bill Sails Through Senate Committee

Who says Congress never gets anything done?

On Thursday, the Senate Judiciary Committee unanimously approved a bill that would give the Attorney General the right to shut down websites with a court order if copyright infringement is deemed “central to the activity” of the site — regardless if the website has actually committed a crime. The Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act (COICA) is among the most draconian laws ever considered to combat digital piracy, and contains what some have called the “nuclear option,” which would essentially allow the Attorney General to turn suspected websites “off.”


Senate Votes to Fund Indian, Black Farmer Settlements

Senate votes to fund black farmersThe U.S. Senate approved spending $4.6 billion for civil settlements with black farmers who alleged racial discrimination by government lenders and with 300,000 American Indians who say they have been cheated out of land royalties dating back to 1887.

Passage of the measure by voice vote today unblocks a legislative logjam that has thwarted payouts of $1.15 billion to black farmers and $3.4 billion to American Indians. The two settlements were negotiated by the Obama administration.


London Mayor Boris Johnson: Bush Could Be Arrested For Torture

GW Bush criminalBoris Johnson is a total Tory and an old friend from college days. In a piece in the conservative Daily Telegraph, he advises George W. Bush not to bring his book tour to Britain, because he could face arrest as a war criminal:

“Waterboarding” is a disgusting practice by which the victim is deliberately made to think that he is drowning. It is not some cunning new psych-ops technique conceived by the CIA. It has been used in the dungeons of dictators for centuries.


Darvon, Darvocet painkillers pulled from the U.S. market

Darvon taken off shelvesThe maker of Darvon and Darvocet announced Friday that it will stop marketing the widely used painkillers in the U.S. because of a new study linking the active ingredient in the drugs to serious and sometimes fatal heart rhythm abnormalities.

Xanodyne Pharmaceuticals Inc., of Newport, Ky., agreed to the ban at the request of the Food and Drug Administration, which also asked makers of generic versions of the drugs' core compound, known as propoxyphene, to stop selling it in the U.S.


Over 95 Percent of 9/11 Workers Approve Settlement

9/11 Workers Approve SettlementMore than 95 percent of the workers who sued New York City and its contractors over health damages suffered in the 9/11 rescue and recovery effort have approved a negotiated settlement of their claims, clearing the way for payouts of at least $625 million, lawyers said Friday.

Plaintiffs had faced a deadline of Tuesday night for accepting or rejecting the settlement, with a 95 approval rate required for the accord to take effect. In responses relayed on Friday to the federal judge overseeing the litigation, they narrowly cleared the threshold: 95.1 percent , or 10,043 of the 10,563 workers, accepted the settlement’s terms.


Canadians vote against fluoridated water supplies

Campaigners against fluoride believe that adding fluoride to the water supply is tantamount to poisoning and are lobbying for fluoridation to be stopped all over Canada. Opponents of fluoride claim the chemical is illegal, unnecessary and dangerous; campaigners believe fluoride contributes to health conditions, including increased risk of cancer, thyroid disease and arthritis.


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