Sunday, Oct 06th

Last update06:25:11 AM GMT

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Elected officials start No Labels group in NY

No Labels: Michael BloombergElected officials and activists from around the country gathered Monday to bemoan the excesses of political partisanship and seek ways to restore civility and practical solutions to government.

The inaugural meeting of a group that calls itself No Labels drew lawmakers from across the country, including Republican-turned-independent New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg; Democratic Sens. Joe Manchin of West Virginia, Evan Bayh of Indiana and Kirsten Gillibrand of New York; and Democratic Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa.


Health Care Law Ruled Unconstitutional

Health Care Law Ruled UnconstitutionalA federal district judge in Virginia ruled on Monday that the keystone provision in the Obama health care law is unconstitutional, becoming the first court in the country to invalidate any part of the sprawling act and ensuring that appellate courts will receive contradictory opinions from below.

Judge Henry E. Hudson, who was appointed to the bench by President George W. Bush, declined the plaintiff’s request to freezeimplementation of the law pending appeal, meaning that there should be no immediate effect on the ongoing rollout of the law.


Did fellow Mormons cover up officer's baby molestations?

Mormon ChurchAs many as 15 people who knew that a Boise police officer had confessed to molesting babies will face no criminal charges. Ada County sheriff’s deputies investigated whether those people should be charged with failing to report the crimes. But deputies have determined that the leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints congregation that Stephen R. Young attended can’t be charged because of Idaho’s clergy privilege law.

And church officials say it’s because of that very clergy privilege that Young is in prison today.


Cells Reprogrammed to Treat Diabetes

Georgetown UniversitySperm-forming stem cells in the testes can be converted to insulin-producing cells that could replace diseased ones in the pancreas, researchers from Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington, D.C., reported December 12 at the annual meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology. The new technique is edging closer to producing the amount of insulin needed to cure diabetes in humans.

Ian Gallicano, a developmental biologist at Georgetown, and his colleagues isolated sperm-producing stem cells from the testes of organ donors. These cells could easily revert to an embryonic state, capable of making nearly any cell in the body.


As Mexico drug violence runs rampant, U.S. guns tied to crime south of border

US guns linked to drug deaths in MexicoNo other state has produced more guns seized by police in the brutal Mexican drug wars than Texas. In the Lone Star State, no other city has more guns linked to Mexican crime scenes than Houston. And in the Texas oil town, no single independent dealer stands out more for selling guns traced from south of the border than Bill Carter.

Carter, 76, has operated four Carter's Country stores in the Houston metropolitan area over the past half-century. In the past two years, more than 115 guns from his stores have been seized by the police and military in Mexico.


Autism Research: Breakthrough Discovery on the Causes of Autism

AutismThe big debate that ranges in autism circles is about whether or not autism is a fixed, irreversible brain-based genetic disorder, or a systemic, reversible body-based biological condition that has identifiable causes, measurable abnormalities, and treatable dysfunctions. In other words is autism a life sentence or a reversible condition?

Many studies have illuminated the causes and possible treatments for autism, but mainstream physicians or scientists ignore most of this data. This new study, breaks new ground because it was published in one of the world's major medical journals.


Jailed Afghan Drug Lord Was Informer on U.S. Payroll

Afghan poppy fieldWhen Hajji Juma Khan was arrested and transported to New York to face charges under a new American narco-terrorism law in 2008, federal prosecutors described him as perhaps the biggest and most dangerous drug lord in Afghanistan, a shadowy figure who had helped keep the Taliban in business with a steady stream of money and weapons.

But what the government did not say was that Mr. Juma Khan was also a longtime American informer, who provided information about the Taliban, Afghan corruption and other drug traffickers.


Myths and Facts: Study Verifies That There Is No Value In Any Flu Vaccine

A remarkable study published in the Cochrane Libary found no evidence of benefit for influenza vaccinations and also noted that the vast majority of trials were inadequate.

The authors stated that the only ones showing benefit were industry-funded. They also pointed out that the industry-funded studies were more likely to be published in the most prestigious journals...and one more thing: They found cases of severe harm caused by the vaccines, in spite of inadequate reporting of adverse effects.


Whose Country Is This Anyway?

Did you actually think that this country is 'yours'? Do you understand that the Congress that supposedly represents you only works three days a week? And we won't even begin to discuss all the vacations and junkets they take when they could do it all from behind a computer. Do you know that the clients they represent are in reality the world's largest corporations and that they don't give a damn about you and never have? You and I are less than Road-Kill to these Robber-Barons, and that has been true at least since November 22, 1963. For those who might not remember that day ­ it was the day that JFK was murdered. When he died, the hopes and dreams of millions around the world died with him.


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