Sunday, Oct 06th

Last update06:25:11 AM GMT

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Study Says Thousands Get Unneeded Heart Devices

DefibrillatorDoctors are implanting high-tech heart devices in thousands of people who probably do not need them, a new study finds. The procedures cost more than $35,000, involve surgery and anesthesia, and may unnecessarily harm some patients.

The devices, called defibrillators, fire an electrical shock to jolt the heart back into a normal rhythm if it starts to beat in a disordered way that can cause sudden death. In people who truly need them, for conditions that can fatally disrupt heart rhythm, defibrillators can be life-saving.


Stem cells clue to beating baldness

Stem cells clue to curing baldnessActivating dormant stem cells in the scalp could be the key to banishing baldness, scientists believe. Researchers made the discovery after examining tissue sample from men undergoing hair transplants.

Comparing follicles from bald and hairy scalp patches, they found that both contained the same number of stem cells.But more mature cells called progenitor cells were lacking in the bald areas.Stem cells in the scalp normally develop into progenitor cells, which in turn give rise to new hair growth.


WikiLeaks releases documents about anti-whaling group Sea Shepherd

WikiLeaks releases documents about anti-whaling group Sea ShepherdJapanese and American officials discussed taking action to weaken a prominent anti-whaling group, with Tokyo insisting that Sea Shepherd's confrontations on the high seas actually hurt efforts to reduce whaling, U.S. diplomatic cables show.

The U.S. representative to the International Whaling Commission, Monica Medina, discussed revoking the U.S.-based conservation group's tax-exempt status during a meeting with senior officials from the Fisheries Agency of Japan in November 2009, according to the documents released by WikiLeaks on Monday.


PTSD Linked To Long Term Physical, Emotional And Cognitive Symptoms

US troops in AfghanistanAmerican soldiers with combat-related PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) seem to have a significantly higher risk of having diminished concentration, poor memory, headaches, tinnitus and irritability, researchers from Minnesota reveal in an article published in Archives of General Psychiatry. They also found no link between concussion or mild traumatic brain injuries and long-term consequences.

The authors wrote: "Nearly 2 million troops have been deployed to Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom since 2001. High levels of combat exposure have been documented among Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom-deployed soldiers, with increased risk of blast exposure and injury and development of post-deployment mental and physical health problems."


Researchers find "alarming" decline in bumblebees

Alarming decline in bumble beesFour previously abundant species of bumblebee are close to disappearing in the United States, researchers reported Monday in a study confirming that the agriculturally important bees are being affected worldwide.

They documented a 96 percent decline in the numbers of the four species, and said their range had shrunk by as much as 87 percent. As with honeybees, a pathogen is partly involved, but the researchers also found evidence of inbreeding caused by habitat loss.


Strained States Turning to Laws to Curb Labor Unions

Scott Walker, governor of WisconsinFaced with growing budget deficits and restive taxpayers, elected officials from Maine to Alabama, Ohio to Arizona, are pushing new legislation to limit the power of labor unions, particularly those representing government workers, in collective bargaining and politics.

State officials from both parties are wrestling with ways to curb the salaries and pensions of government employees, which typically make up a significant percentage of state budgets. On Wednesday, for example, New York’s new Democratic governor, Andrew M. Cuomo, is expected to call for a one-year salary freeze for state workers, a move that would save $200 million to $400 million and challenge labor’s traditional clout in Albany.


Wayne Madsen: Sweden co-opted by CIA/Pentagon to launder Wikileaks cables

WMR has learned from a long-time Republican Party consultant that the CIA used Sweden to launder the transfer to Wikileaks of carefully screened and redacted State Department cables and the subsequent release of the cables to pre-selected corporate news media entities. Sweden was chosen because of its so-called “press freedom and freedom of expression” traditions in an effort to make the release of the cables by Wikileaks appear to be unconnected to a covert CIA and Pentagon psychological operations program designed to place further controls on the Internet.


Israel to hold migrants in closed detention center, despite pledging otherwise

Asylum seekers in Tel AvivDespite statements to the contrary, the facility the government plans to build in the south for the purpose of housing asylum seekers will be a closed compound, a document prepared for the National Planning and Building Council and obtained by Haaretz reveals.

After the government decided in November to build the facility, an interministerial team, headed by the deputy director general of the Prime Minister's Office, was commissioned to submit recommendations on the matter.


Ikea stops selling incandescent light bulbs in U.S.

ikea Home decor and furniture company Ikea is no longer stocking or selling incandescent light bulbs in its U.S. stores, instead offering longer-lasting and energy-efficient bulbs.

The retailer began phasing out the sale of the light bulbs in August. Ikea's action comes ahead of federal legislation that would mandate more efficient light bulbs starting in 2012. The pullout also applies to Ikea stores in Canada. Stores in France and Australia started phasing out the incandescent bulbs last year.


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