Sunday, Oct 06th

Last update06:25:11 AM GMT

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Smoking 'causes damage in minutes', US experts claim

Smoking 'causes damage in minutes', US experts claimSmoking damages the body in minutes rather than years, according to research in the US. The report, published in Chemical Research in Toxicology, shows that chemicals which cause cancer form rapidly after smoking.

Scientists involved in the small-scale study described the results as a stark warning to people considering smoking. Anti-smoking charity Ash described the research as "chilling" and as a warning that it is never too early to quit.


J&J Recalls Nearly 47 Million Units of Over-The-Counter Medicines

Johnson & Johnson headquartersJohnson & Johnson (JNJ) recalled nearly 47 million units of over-the-counter medicines Friday, the latest in a string of quality-related product recalls.

J&J said the latest recall resulted from a thorough examination of historical manufacturing records that the company had undertaken in the wake of earlier recalls. J&J plans to continue reviewing practices at additional manufacturing sites and signaled further recalls could result if more issues surface.


And What About the Sperm?

The Jewish state has decided; we will let you be a Jew as long as you are willing to kill for us.

The Knesset recently passed a bill allowing the State to approve IDF conversions without the permission of the Chief Rabbinate.

I guess that for some, it is much easier to become a Jew riding a Merkava Tank over a Palestinian village than learning Halakha law for seven years.


Stuxnet Worm Used Against Iran: Israeli - U.S. Project

Ralph Langner, an independent computer security expert, solved Stuxnet.The Dimona complex in the Negev desert is famous as the heavily guarded heart of Israel’s never-acknowledged nuclear arms program, where neat rows of factories make atomic fuel for the arsenal.

Over the past two years, according to intelligence and military experts familiar with its operations, Dimona has taken on a new, equally secret role — as a critical testing ground in a joint American and Israeli effort to undermine Iran’s efforts to make a bomb of its own.


Reagan son: Alzheimer's began in office

Reagan alzheimer's began earlyRonald Reagan's son thinks his father's Alzheimer's disease began while he was president, he writes in a new memoir. In "My Father at 100," which is being released Tuesday, Ron Reagan says he saw evidence that his father was losing his mental edge in his first term, Politico reports.

"Today, we are aware that the physiological and neurological changes associated with Alzheimer's can be in evidence years, even decades, before identifiable symptoms arise," the younger Reagan wrote. "The question ... of whether my father suffered from the beginning stages of Alzheimer's while in office more or less answers itself."


Solar Panel Maker Moves Work to China

Solar Panel Maker Moves Work to ChinaAided by at least $43 million in assistance from the government of Massachusetts and an innovative solar energy technology, Evergreen Solar emerged in the last three years as the third-largest maker of solar panels in the United States.

But now the company is closing its main American factory, laying off the 800 workers by the end of March and shifting production to a joint venture with a Chinese company in central China. Evergreen cited the much higher government support available in China.


In America, violence and guns forever

In America, violence and guns foreverAnother American mass shooting. Another rush to buy more guns. On the Monday after the latest of the bloody rampages that are part of American life, gun sales in Arizona shot up by more than 60 percent and rose by an average of five percent across the entire country.

The figures come from the FBI and speak volumes about a gun culture that has long baffled much of the world. The Federal Bureau of Investigation compared January 10, 2011, with the corresponding Monday a year ago.


'Gentile sperm leads to barbaric offspring'

Rabbi Dov LiorRabbi Dov Lior says Jewish Law prohibits sterile couples from conceiving using non-Jew's sperm, as it causes adverse traits. On subject of single mothers he says, 'Child cannot be 100% normal'

According to Lior, a baby born through such an insemination will have the "negative genetic traits that characterize non-Jews." Instead, he advised sterile couples to adopt.


Feeding the homeless? Better have a permit

A local couple who spent more than a year trying to help feed the homeless has been ordered to stop because they didn't have a permit.

The city says it's not trying to be the bad guy, and they understand the good the couple is trying to do, but it says it's just trying to protect the homeless -- the same people the couple has been trying to help.

Houston has close to 10,000 homeless people. One in five lives on the streets.


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