Sunday, Oct 06th

Last update06:25:11 AM GMT

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Lymph Node Study Shakes Pillar of Breast Cancer Care

Lymph  nodesA new study finds that many women with early breast cancer do not need a painful procedure that has long been routine: removal of cancerous lymph nodes from the armpit.

The discovery turns standard medical practice on its head. Surgeons have been removing lymph nodes from under the arms of breast cancer patients for 100 years, believing it would prolong women’s lives by keeping the cancer from spreading or coming back.


Little evidence for Iraq WMDs ahead of 2003 war: U.S. declassified report

Six months ahead of the 2003 invasion of Iraq, the United States had little hard evidence and relied heavily on analytic assumptions and judgment in assessing what it knew about Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction Programs, according to declassified U.S. intellilgence report.

The September 5, 2002 report from the Glen Shaffer, the Director of Intelligence - which was initially classified as "secret" - at the time showed the U.S. knew about Iraq's internal expertise in building nuclear weapons, biological weapons, chemical weapons and ballistic missiles.


Most New York Students Are Not College-Ready

New York State education officials released a new set of graduation statistics on Monday that show less than half of students in the state are leaving high school prepared for college and well-paying careers.

State and city education officials have known for years that graduating from a public high school does not indicate that a student is ready for college, and have been slowly moving to raise standards. But the political will to acknowledge openly the chasm between graduation requirements and college or job needs is new, Dr. Tisch; David M. Steiner, the state education commissioner; and John King, the deputy state education commissioner, said in interviews last week.


Cuba cooperating in US case against ex-CIA agent

Cuba cooperating in case of ex-CIA agentThree officials from Cuba are expected to testify in the U.S. trial of a former CIA operative and anti-communist militant accused of lying during immigration hearings in Texas - a rare example of cooperation between two governments paralyzed by more than a half century of frigid relations.

Two police officers and a state medical examiner from Cuba could begin testifying as early as Tuesday in the U.S. government's perjury case against Luis Posada Carriles. The 82-year-old native of Cuba spent a lifetime using violence to destabilize communist political systems throughout Latin America before seeking U.S citizenship in 2005.


Report: Keith Olbermann to join Current TV

Former MSNBC television personality Keith Olbermann, who departed the cable news network in January, is expected to announce on Tuesday that he's joining the public affairs channel Current TV, The New York Times reports.

Because Olbermann's exit from MSNBC includes a clause that prohibits him from joining another TV outlet for an undetermined amount of time, it's not clear when he'd be starting at Current TV. But it appears that the move has been in the works for some time. According to the Times, the Internet domain name was registered two days before his on-air announcement that he was leaving MSNBC.


USDA Allows GMO Sugar Beet Planting Even After a Landmark Court Decision Says No

Why is the USDA once again putting biotechnology before human safety?

And then in December, a federal judge ordered that 258 very important acres of genetically modified sugar beets be destroyed. Judge Jeffrey White ruled that the crops be destroyed because the risk of gene contamination in Oregon's Willamette Valley was so great. This was a step in the right direction no matter how small the step.


A Prescription for Fear

"WebMD is synonymous with Big Pharma Shilling"

If you’re looking for the name of a new pill to “ask your doctor about,” as the ads say, the Mayo Clinic Health Information site is not the place for you. If you’re shopping for a newly branded disorder that might account for your general feeling of unease, Mayo is not for you either. But if you want workaday, can-do health information in a nonprofit environment, plug your symptoms into Mayo’s Symptom Checker. What you’ll get is: No hysteria. No drug peddling. Good medicine. Good ideas.


WikiLeaks: Israel's secret hotline to the man tipped to replace Mubarak

WikiLeaks: Suleiman's hotline to IsraelThe new vice-president of Egypt, Omar Suleiman, is a long-standing favourite of Israel's who spoke daily to the Tel Aviv government via a secret "hotline" to Cairo, leaked documents disclose. Mr Suleiman, who is widely tipped to take over from Hosni Mubarak as president, was named as Israel's preferred candidate for the job after discussions with American officials in 2008.

As a key figure working for Middle East peace, he once suggested that Israeli troops would be "welcome" to invade Egypt to stop weapons being smuggled to Hamas terrorists in neighbouring Gaza.


George Bush issued travel warning by human rights organisations

George Bush issued travel warningHuman rights groups have vowed to track George W Bush round the world after their success in forcing him to cancel a trip to Switzerland amid concerns over protests and a threatened arrest warrant.

Katherine Gallagher, a lawyer with the New York-based Centre for Constitutional Rights, said: "The reach of the convention against torture is wide. This case is prepared and will be waiting for him wherever he travels next. "Torturers, even if they are former presidents of the United States, must be held to account and prosecuted."


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