Monday, Oct 07th

Last update06:53:22 AM GMT

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Honduras ousted leader Zelaya signs deal for return

Manuel Zelaya returns to HondurasFormer Honduran President Manuel Zelaya, who was ousted from power and forced into exile in 2009, has signed an agreement with his successor, Porfirio Lobo, which will allow him to return to the country.

The accord also paves the way for Honduras' re-entry into the Organisation of American States (OAS). Honduras was expelled from the OAS after Mr Zelaya was removed from power.The accord was negotiated by the Colombian and Venezuelan presidents.


Fukushima's Apocalyptic Threat Demands Immediate Global Action

Fukushima may be in an apocalyptic downward spiral.

Forget the corporate-induced media coma that says otherwise…or nothing at all.

Lethal radiation is spewing unabated. Emission levels could seriously escalate. There is no end in sight. The potential is many times worse than Chernobyl.


US admits Japanese-American internment 'mistake'

Japanese internment a mistakeThe US Justice Department recognised on Friday that 'mistakes' were made in its legal defence of the forced relocation and internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II.

Following the 1947 attack on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii by the Imperial Japanese Navy, the United States forcibly displaced over 110,000 people of Japanese descent and held them at internment camps during the war. Most were US citizens.


To Fla. Gov. Scott, global warming is a myth

Rick ScottClimate scientists are lending their computer modeling and data analysis and research findings and learned assumptions to the new governor’s first state hurricane conference this week. Gov. Rick Scott seems fine with that, as long as the brainy guys confine their theories to the short term.

In his short speech opening the conference Wednesday, for example, Scott didn’t object to warnings that Florida is statistically likely to absorb a big hit in 2011. He promised Florida would be ready. “We’re going to be very prepared.”


Shock after Dutch priest endorses pedophilia

Dutch priest endorses pedophilia The Dutch Catholic Church and the Salesian order are investigating revelations that a Salesian priest served on the board of a group that promotes pedophilia with the full knowledge of his boss.

The order's top official in the Netherlands, Delegate Herman Spronck, confirmed in a statement that the priest — identified by RTL Nieuws as 73-year-old "Father Van B." — served on the board of "Martijn," a group that campaigns to end the Dutch ban on adult-child sex. The group is widely reviled but not outlawed.


GM food toxins found in the blood of 93% of unborn babies

Toxins implanted into GM food crops to kill pests are reaching the bloodstreams of women and unborn babies, alarming research has revealed.

A landmark study found 93 per cent of blood samples taken from pregnant women and 80 per cent from umbilical cords tested positive for traces of the chemicals.


During Interview With Saudi Crown Prince, Fox Fails To Disclose That He’s Second-Largest Shareholder

FOX NewsYesterday on Fox Business, host Neil Cavuto interviewed Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, the second-largest shareholder of Fox News-parent company News Corp, to discuss a wide variety of current events.

Before the interview, Cavuto correctly issued a disclaimer, noting for his audience that Bin Talal “holds nearly seven percent equity stake in News Corp.” But today on his Fox News show (which commands a far larger audience than Fox Business), Cavuto re-aired parts of yesterday’s interview and offered no such disclaimer.


At Hussein shrine, nostalgia for a strong leader

At Hussein shrine, nostalgia for a strong leaderIn what passes for a mausoleum here, the body of Saddam Hussein lies in the middle of a marble octagon, under a giant twinkling chandelier and purple, orange and blue blinking lights. His grave is covered with Iraqi flags, candies thrown from children and bundles of plastic flowers.

It has been four years since the former Iraqi leader was executed, and over that period it has been rare to see any more than a trickle of Iraqis show up to pay tribute in his home town, just outside Tikrit  But over the past few months, the crowds have begun to grow.


Missing Photographer Was Killed Six Weeks Ago in Attack By Gaddafi Forces On Brega

Anton Hammerl dead in LibyaReporters Without Borders is saddened to learn that Anton Hammerl, a well-known photographer with South African and Austrian dual nationality who had been missing in Libya for more than six weeks, was killed shortly after disappearing in the east of the country on 4 April.

It had been assumed that Hammerl was alive and was being held by pro-Gaddafi forces. "The civil war in Libya has been particularly deadly for photographers," the press freedom organization said. "It is time this stopped. Reporters have been paying too high a price in this war. The authorities in Tripoli and those in Benghazi should give their troops clear directives to respect the work of journalists."


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