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Virginia earthquake shifted nuclear storage casks

North Anna nuclear power plantThe Aug. 23 earthquake that rattled the East Coast apparently shifted massive storage casks containing spent nuclear fuel at the North Anna nuclear power plant in central Virginia.

None of the metal cylinders were damaged and no radiation was released, Dominion Virginia Power told the Virginia Times-Dispatch.


Post-9/11, emergency radios still not connected

First respondersAmid the chaos of the Sept. 11 attacks in 2001, emergency responders found they could not communicate with each other. That problem persists 10 years later, according to a review of the 9/11 Commission's recommendations.

A National Preparedness Group report released Wednesday concludes that the recommendation that a nationwide broadband network for emergency responders be created "continues to languish."


Take action NOW to stop FDA from turning your vitamins and supplements into unapproved 'food additives'

Proposed guidelines put forth by the agency for "New Dietary Ingredients" (NDIs) propose treating vitamins, herbs, and dietary supplements as synthetic food preservatives, which means pulling many of them off the market, and subjecting the rest to extreme regulatory protocols that will drive up costs and severely limit availability.

The Dietary Supplement Health and Information Act of 1994 (DSHEA), as many NaturalNews readers likely already know, was a major victory achieved for health freedom. It is also the foundation upon which the dietary supplement market as well as the health of millions of Americans has thrived.


Fourteen fault lines found near Japanese nuclear plants

There are 14 potentially active fault lines in areas near the crisis-hit Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant and other nuclear-related facilities, the Japanese government has announced.

Five of the 14 fault lines are near Tokyo Electric Power Co.'s Fukushima No. 1 and No. 2 nuclear power plants.


N.Y. billing dispute reveals details of secret CIA rendition flights

CIA rendition flightsOn Aug. 12, 2003, a Gulfstream IV aircraft carrying six passengers took off from Dulles International Airport and flew to Bangkok with fueling stops in Cold Bay, Alaska, and Osaka, Japan.

Before it returned four days later, the plane also touched down in Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, the United Arab Emirates and Ireland. As these unusual flights happened, U.S. officials took custody of an Indonesian terrorist, Riduan Isamuddin, who had been captured in Thailand and would spend the next three years being shuttled among secret prisons operated by the CIA.


WikiLeaks: Iraqi children in U.S. raid shot in head, U.N. says

US troops shot Iraqi childrenA U.S. diplomatic cable made public by WikiLeaks provides evidence that U.S. troops executed at least 10 Iraqi civilians, including a woman in her 70s and a 5-month-old infant, then called in an airstrike to destroy the evidence, during a controversial 2006 incident in the central Iraqi town of Ishaqi.

The unclassified cable, which was posted on WikiLeaks' website last week, contained questions from a United Nations investigator about the incident, which had angered local Iraqi officials, who demanded some kind of action from their government. U.S. officials denied at the time that anything inappropriate had occurred.


Minorities become majority in 22 of the country’s 100-biggest urban areas.

Minorities become majorityWashington is among eight big-city metropolitan regions in which minorities became a majority in the past decade, according to a new analysis of census data showing white population declines in many of the largest metro areas.

Along with Washington, the regions surrounding New York, San Diego, Las Vegas and Memphis have become majority-minority since 2000. Non-Hispanic whites are a minority in 22 of the country’s 100-biggest urban areas.


The Other Koch Brother

Bill KochTwo mansions, two miles apart, spark intrigue in Palm Beach, Florida. The first, on the northern end of the oceanfront street nicknamed Billionaire's Row, is 30,000 square feet of arched windows and red, Spanish-tile roof, a villa that includes a ballroom where flappers danced and sipped moonshine in the 1920s.

This is David Koch's vacation home. The billionaire oil baron, along with his brother Charles, has gained recent notoriety as the sugar daddy of the Tea Party. In 1979, David Koch ran for vice president on the Libertarian Party ticket, and he and Charles have since given more than $100 million to right-wing causes and organizations, according to a 2010 New Yorker profile that exposed their tremendous influence in politics. David lives in New York City and winters in Palm Beach.


U.S. newborn death rate higher than in 40 other nations

US newborn death ratePublished on Tuesday in the journal PLoS Medicine, the study shows that babies under 4 weeks old account for 41 percent of child deaths worldwide.

Lawn said the United Nations and other international organizations must pay closer attention to the newborn mortality rates in order to save more children's lives. The U.N. reports annually on deaths of children under ages 5 and 1, but estimates for newborn deaths are released only sporadically.


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