Wednesday, Oct 09th

Last update07:55:31 AM GMT

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Congress, rules keep Obama from closing Guantanamo Bay

Gitmo prisonCongress has used its spending oversight authority both to forbid the White House from financing trials of Guantánamo captives on U.S. soil and to block the acquisition of a state prison in Illinois to hold captives currently held in Cuba who would not be put on trial — a sort of Guantánamo North.

The latest defense bill adopted by Congress moved to mandate military detention for most future al Qaida cases. The White House withdrew a veto threat on the eve of passage, and then Obama signed it into law with a “signing statement” that suggested he could lawfully ignore it.


Portuguese Government looks for Masons among politicians

Portuguese Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho, gave the Ministry of Internal Administration (equivalent to MSW) guidelines for the obligations of persons holding high positions in government to disclose whether they belong to Masonic lodges.

Informed the Lisbon daily "Diario de Noticias', guidance on the verification link politics with Freemasonry were included in the government report on the matter so-called Ongoing. The document contained a suspicion against a group of people from the former management of the Portuguese secret police and Ongoing media concern about attempts to control other media.


When 'Anti-Semitism' Is Abused

Disagreeing With Israel Doesn't Make One a Bigot

We have cried, we have wailed, we have lit thousands upon thousands of memorial candles. And we have sworn, again and again, that we would never forget.

That is why when anti-Semitism is falsely applied, we must also stand up and decry it as defamation, as character assault, as unjust.That is why when we debase the term by using it as a rhetorical conceit against those with whom we disagree on policy matters, we have sullied our own promises to our grandparents. For if we dilute the term, if we render the label meaningless, defanged, we have failed ourselves, our legacy, our ancestors, our children.


From now on … Our Biggest Mistake is Believing We Are Free

US ConstitutionOn December 17, 2007 Senator Christopher Dodd spoke on the Senate floor against George W. Bush’s warrantless eavesdropping and telecom company amnesty compromise, “Clear, first-hand whistleblower documentary evidence [states] that for year on end every e-mail, every text message, and every phone call … hundreds of millions of private, domestic communications … have been copied in their entirety by AT&T and knowingly diverted wholesale … into a secret room controlled exclusively by the NSA.”

Then Senator Barack Obama announced he supported the amnesty "compromise" saying, “So I support the compromise, but do so with a firm pledge that as President, I will carefully monitor the program, review the report by the Inspectors General, and work with the Congress to take any additional steps I deem necessary to protect the lives -- and the liberty -- of the American people.”


Fracking boom's overlooked danger: frac sand

Frack sandLargely overlooked in the national debate over fracking is the emerging fight in the U.S. heartland over mining "frac sand," which has grains of ideal size, shape, strength and purity. Mining companies say the work provides good jobs in rural areas, but some residents fear the increase in mining could harm human health and the environment.


Transcending The American Lockdown

Where Is The Revolution?

Mainstream America has virtually swallowed the ocean of sanitized lies and egregious omissions it's been dealt. The US is now officially part of the New World Order, by default. That's what's daunting. Any possibility of an uprising by the many is almost past.

Why don't the masses get it? Well, if you're not paying attention this might be puzzling. But if you are watching with any clarity of thought it's obvious. The medicated masses are benumbed. They've succumbed to a massively manipulated program of social engineering.


Study Challenges Supreme Court’s Image as Defender of Free Speech

Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr.The Supreme Court led by Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr., the conventional wisdom goes, is exceptionally supportive of free speech. Leading scholars and practitioners have called the Roberts court the most pro-First Amendment court in American history.

A recent study challenges that conclusion. It says that a comprehensive look at data from 1953 to 2011 tells a different story, one showing that the court is hearing fewer First Amendment cases and is ruling in favor of free speech at a lower rate than any of the courts led by the three previous chief justices.


Congressmen are Paid to Vote for War

US CongressCongressmen regard "public service" as an opportunity to enrich themselves, their families and friends.

According to reports from, in 2006, 151 members of Congress had $195.5 million invested in defense corporations. Their average net worth was $910,000 compared to $100,000 for American families in general. Over 50 range between $5 million and $190 million. John Kerry is at the top end of the scale.


Damning New Letter from NY State Insider: 'Hydraulic Fracturing as It's Practiced Today Will Contaminate Our Aquifers'

Insider letter on frackingA former staffer at a state government agency responsible for regulating hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, has warned that allowing the controversial gas drilling method in New York would lead to contamination of the state's aquifers and would poison its drinking water.

These stark warnings, issued by Paul Hetzler in a letter to an upstate newspaper, came as a current employee and union representative at the Department for Environmental Conservation (DEC) sounded alarm bells over the under-staffed agency's ability to monitor the industry and to deal with any emergencies if the plan goes ahead.


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