Wednesday, Oct 09th

Last update07:55:31 AM GMT

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Dickens and Eastwood

Dickens and EastwoodDo you feel lucky punk? Well, do you? Willard Romney isn’t feeling lucky after finishing dead last in Tuesday’s voting. He’s hopping along on one foot as his ammo has largely been spent making himself dance. His one claim to credibility as a candidate was his business acumen. Yet in his expert opinion Detroit should have been allowed to fail ending car manufacturing in America forever.

The absolutely un-American thinking of billionaires and billionaire wannabes like Romney was made obvious to all by a Republican actor whose reputation rivals the sainted Reagan, except this one can act, and is intelligent.


White House compromise still guarantees contraceptive coverage for women

Contraceptive compromiseSeeking to allay the concerns of Catholic leaders and head off an escalating political storm, President Obama on Friday announced an adjustment to the administration’s health-care rule requiring religiously affiliated employers to provide contraceptive coverage to women.

Women still will be guaranteed coverage for contraceptive services without any out-of-pocket cost, but will have to seek the coverage directly from their insurance companies if their employers object to birth control on religious grounds.


Cross-Dressing, Weather Rope, & New Hats

Political liesPolitical lies have always come bundled in the Economy-pack:  half-truths, misquotes, bald lies, propaganda, slung mud, smear campaigns, slips of the tongue, Freudian moments, avalanches of excrement, and surprised misstatements -- where the politico is stunned, simply shocked, they will tell you, at what their mouths have just gone and done.

It is as if their mouths were no longer under their control, or had been repo'd, dragged or lugged off back to the shop for some diagnostic tests.


Mossad hit-squads behind Iran scientists' murders - US official

Israel’s Mossad trained and financed a terrorist group that carried out a series of Hollywood-style assassinations of Iranian nuclear scientists, unnamed US officials have revealed. Iran, however, believes the CIA was also sponsoring the killings.

­Two senior US officials confirmed to NBC that People’s Mujahideen of Iran dissident group (MEK) was to blame for the killing of Iranian scientists. “All your inclinations are correct,” said one of the officials in an interview, while speaking about MEK’s involvement in the assassinations and Israel’s support for the group.


Revolutionaries: The Best Way to Tear Down the System is to Build Something New

Due to gross injustices built into the current system, angry mobs of disenfranchised protesters are pushing most of the world to the edge of global revolution.  It's wonderful to see people find solidarity in opposing the destructive nature of the system.

There seems to be an awful lot of energy being spent fighting against the system, which is akin to swimming upstream.


Who Are the 271 Celibate Men Trying to Control the Sex Lives of American Women?

U.S. Conference of Catholic BishopThe U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops – which today called for contraception coverage to be removed from the Affordable Care Act – is comprised of 271 active and 185 retired bishops.  Among them are the following:

Bishop John McCormack: the former head of the Conference’s abuse committee, McCormack stepped down as bishop in 2011 after the Boston Globe revealed that he was shielding priests that left their own parishes after allegations of child abuse.


U.S. Marine snipers posed in front of Nazi flag in Afghanistan

US marines pose with Nazi flagA U.S. Marine sniper team in Afghanistan posed for a photograph in front of a flag with symbols representing Adolph Hitler's notorious SS unit, the Pentagon confirmed to The Associated Press.

The photo was eventually circulated on the Internet. According to a post on the Knight's Armament Blog, where the photo appears to have been posted in May, the Marines adopted the blue “SS” flag in reference to “scout sniper.”


Pentagon to ease restrictions on women in some combat roles

Women in US militaryThe Pentagon said Thursday that it would ease some restrictions on women serving in combat roles, a step that in part codifies the reality on the ground in Afghanistan, where commanders have stretched rules to allow women to support ground combat units.

After a long-delayed review that had been ordered by Congress, the Defense Department said it would open about 14,000 combat-related positions that women had previously been excluded from — but would continue to prohibit them from serving in 238,000 other slots, nearly all of them in the Army and Marine Corps, as well as special operations forces. The changes will take effect in spring unless lawmakers intervene.


Hasidic Jewish teenager admits setting neighbour on fire after disobeying a prayer order

Shaul SpitzerA Hasidic Jewish teenager pleaded guilty to assault, for setting a neighbour on fire because he wasn't praying with the rest of the community.

Shaul Spitzer, 18, of New Square, New York, had been accused of severely burning Aron Rottenberg, 43, with a firebomb outside Mr Rottenberg's home in New Square, an insular Hasidic village of 7,000.

It happened after Mr Rottenberg confronted Spitzer when he thew a bag of burning shirts soaked in petrol on the porch of his home.



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