Tuesday, Oct 01st

Last update06:35:34 AM GMT

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Bolivia gives details of CIA activity

Bolivian President Evo Morales gave details about an alleged CIA role in a corruption scandal affecting the country’s main firm.

According to Morales, the CIA infiltrated state-run oil firm Yacimientos Petrol¡feros Fiscales Bolivianos (YPFB) through YPFB’s Marketing Director Rodrigo Carrasco, who took part in more than fifteen training courses in the United States.

Carrasco was trained by the CIA as a covert agent to establish a corruption network,
said Morales in Lauka N, Cochabamba, at a ceremony to launch Kausachum Coca community radio.


Richard Perle's Outrageous Lies

Back in 1996, a group of Americans writing for an Israeli think tank published a paper for Israeli Likud Party leader Benjamin Netanyahu called “A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm.” In addition to calling for Saddam Hussein’s replacement, it also advised an overthrow or destabilization of the governments of Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Iran, thus leading to something akin to a “Greater US-Israel Co-Prosperity Sphere.” 


Landmark Policy Report: Many Cancers Could Be Prevented Across the Globe

A new global policy report estimates that approximately 37 percent of colon cancer cases and 28 percent of breast cancer cases in Brazil and other middle-income countries in South America are preventable through diet, physical activity and weight maintenance. The report also sets out recommendations for policies to reduce the global number of cancer cases.

The overall message of the report, Policy and Action for Cancer Prevention, published today by World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) and American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR), is that all sections of society need to make public health, and cancer prevention in particular, a higher priority.

Judicial Watch Announces List of Washington's "Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians" for 2008

Judicial Watch, the public interest groupthat investigates and prosecutes government corruption, today released its2008 list of Washington's "Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians." The list,in alphabetical order, includes:


FDA ignored debris in syringes

Months before an Angier company shipped deadly bacteria-tainted drugs, the federal Food and Drug Administration received numerous complaints about sediment and debris in the medicine.

The FDA received reports about AM2PAT as early as 2005, but not until December 2007 did the agency issue recall notices to pull the drugs off the market.

Two men pleaded guilty in U.S. District Court this week for their roles in the scheme, which involved falsifying documents to make it appear that proper sterility tests had been conducted. The company’s president, Dushyant Patel, faces 10 charges, but he has not been arrested.


Israel blocks pasta shipment to Gaza, and tensions boil

For more than seven weeks, the international aid group Mercy Corps has been trying to send 90 tons of macaroni to the isolated Gaza Strip as part of a global campaign to help the 1.4 million Palestinians there rebuild their lives after Israel's recent devastating 22-day military operation.

Israel, which controls most of what goes into and out of Gaza, has said no repeatedly.


Army manual raises emphasis on electronic warfare

For the first time since the end of the Cold War, the Army is updating its plans for electronic warfare, calling for more use of high-powered microwaves, lasers and infrared beams to attack enemy targets and control angry crowds.


Carbon dioxide emissions could last millenniums, expert says

Until now, most discussion of climate change has been about what scientific evidence shows is likely to happen between now and 2100. However, scientific research shows that the carbon dioxide gas released from burning fossil fuels lasts in the atmosphere much longer than mere decades.

David Archer, a leading climate researcher who teaches at the University of Chicago, has written a new book that looks at carbon dioxide's "long tail" and what it means for changes on Earth in the future.


Report critical of sex education in Texas schools

The overwhelming majority of Texas schools use scare tactics and spread myths in place of teaching basic sex and health information that students can use to protect themselves and others, according to a report released Wednesday by watchdog group Texas Freedom Network.

TFN's two-year study of education materials from 990 Texas school districts showed that about 94 percent of public schools use abstinence-only programs that usually pass moral judgments while either downplaying or ignoring contraception and health screenings.


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