Wednesday, Oct 02nd

Last update08:00:02 AM GMT

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Why injecting oxygen into tumours 'can kill cancer'

Injecting oxygen into cancerous tumours significantly boosts the chances of recovery, a ground-breaking study has revealed.

Scientists at Oxford University found slightly increasing the supply strengthened blood vessels in cancer cells, making chemotherapy more effective.

TVNL Comment: Cancer can not exist in an oxygen rich alkaline environment. This is the basis for many alternative cancer treatments from hydrogen peroxide, to baking soda to high PH diet therapies. Of course studies like this always have to link big pharma into the solution, because big pharma pays for the studies.



By Martha Ireland

A recent article, “Happiness Consultants Won’t Stop A Depression” by Chris Hedges really hit home for me.

I live with a man who wants to believe that if you put a “positive” spin on something, that something will magically become truly positive.

This sort of crazy culturally induced wishful, magical, narcissistic, childish, cowardly thinking and intellectual, psychological & spiritual laziness makes me absolutely insane.

Hey – it’s self-benefiting reciprocity all over again – meaning that I won’t call you on your lies if you won’t call me on mine.


Anthrax investigation too narrow, congressman says

"Our government -- and specifically, the FBI -- suffers from a credibility gap on this issue," Rep. Rush D. Holt (D-N.J.) told an expert panel that convened in Washington this week to begin reviewing the scientific methods the FBI used to link the attacks to Bruce E. Ivins, a microbiologist who worked in the Army's chief biodefense lab at Ft. Detrick, Md.


Palestinians evicted in Jerusalem

Israeli police have evicted nine Palestinian families living in two houses in occupied East Jerusalem. Jewish settlers moved into the houses almost immediately. The US has urged Israel to abandon plans for a building project in the area.

Israel has occupied East Jerusalem since 1967, a move not recognised by the international community. The evictions have been condemned by the United Nations, the Palestinians and also the UK government.


Israeli settlers 'are wrecking peace process'

Britain has accused Israel of allowing extremist Jewish settlers to disrupt attempts at relaunching the peace process after police evicted more than 50 Palestinians from their homes in Jerusalem.

As Jewish settlers moved into the Palestinian homes, the British consulate said it was appalled by the evictions, which took place a few hundred yards from the diplomatic mission, after an Israeli court decided in favour of the settlers.


After Combat, Victims of an Inner War

Suicide counts tend to be undercounts, and the trend is less marked in other branches of the military. Nor are there reliable figures for veterans who have left the service; the Department of Veterans Affairs can only systematically track suicides among its hospitalized patients, and it does not issue regular suicide reports.


Gunman kills 3, injures 11 at gay club in Tel Aviv

Israeli police say a gunman entered a youth club for gay teens in central Tel Aviv on Saturday night and sprayed the interior with automatic rifle fire, killing three people and injuring 11.

Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said it was "most likely a criminal attack and not a terror attack." Tel Aviv has been a target for Palestinian militants in the past.


A Sibel Edmonds 'Bombshell' - Bin Laden Worked for U.S. Until 9/11

During my recent interview with FBI translator-turned-whistleblower Sibel Edmonds on the Mike Malloy Show, a caller had asked her opinion on whether she believed 9/11 to have been "an inside job".

Edmonds replied by first specifying "As I have done for the past 7 or 8 years, I have basically stuck with what I know, first-hand, directly, my own knowledge, based on my own experience, based on what I obtained, which is not a lot, but it is extremely important."


Hate Crimes Bill - who benefits?

Taking a closer look at some of the most obvious proponents of this type of legislation here and abroad, we can see what their objectives might be and who will benefit most from these various bills.  The most glaring player on the American scene is the ADL or Anti-Defamation League, a Jewish organization widely known for assailing perceived "anti-Semitism" and criticism of Israel, Jews and Judaism, which is odd in consideration of the fact that this hate crimes bill was named after a young man who was viciously murdered for being gay, not Jewish. Matthew Shepard's death was obviously latched onto for the protection of other special interest groups.


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