Wednesday, Oct 02nd

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The American Way Of Torture

This is the most professional version of the widespread torture authorized by Bush and conducted in every theater of combat, by every branch of the armed forces, directed that all prisoners could be potential terrorists and therefore outside civilizational norms of humane treatment.

The document reads, like so much else from the Cheney years, like a document from a South American  dictatorship in the 1970s or 1980s. If someone had told me a few years ago that it had popped up in the Soviet archives I would have believed him.


Staggering Indifference and Cowardice of American Media

Within a short 26 years, the United States expects to add 100 million people by 2035.

All totaled, human beings expect to grow from 6.8 billion in 2009 to reach 7.0 billion in 2011. From there, census reports show humans expanding by another 2.0 and possibly 3.0 billion within 40 years.


In America, human population numbers add 3.4 million annually to our already unsustainable society—on our way to an added 100 million by 2035.  We suffer carrying capacity issues as to water, energy and food—yet not a peep by the media. News outlets report on “greening” our future, hybrid cars and conservation—but they refuse to deal with the granddaddy of all our problems: hyper-population growth.


Thriving on myths: Television news and the corruption of the American mind

"Even when [news organizations] report the facts," wrote Kurtz, "they have had trouble influencing public opinion."

Did you catch that? Even when they report the facts, as though reporting the facts has become some sort of noble, experimental enterprise within the otherwise (ab)normal course of mainstream journalism, for which Kurtz expected, I guess, awe-inspired applause and instant civic snap-to-it-ness.


GATA presses Fed to give up its golden secrets

We construe this as an admission that the U.S. gold reserve has been put into private hands to some extent or has been compromised in some way by possession by private interests, such as financial houses that trade in gold. Really, why should any Federal Reserve record involving the national gold reserves be confidential, except perhaps records involving the most ordinary security of the reserve's vaulting? Plainly the Fed has knowledge of something that has been done with the gold reserve that the U.S. government does not want the American people and the financial markets to know.


The H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic: Manipulating the Data to Justify a Worldwide Public Health Emergency

What we are dealing with is a big lie. A process of generating fake data which is then used to justify a nationwide vaccination program.

The political and corporate interests behind this Worldwide public health emergency must be the target of citizens' actions.

This public health emergency is not intended to protect humanity.



Just over two weeks ago, FBI translator-turned-whistleblower Sibel Edmonds was finally allowed to speak about much of what the Bush Administration spent years trying to keep her from discussing publicly on the record. Twice gagged by the Bush Dept. of Justice's invocation of the so-called "State Secrets Privilege," Edmonds has been attempting to tell her story, about the crimes she became aware of while working for the FBI, for years.


CIA sacked Baghdad station chief after deaths of 2 detainees

The CIA removed its station chief in Iraq and reorganized its operations there in late 2003 following "potentially very serious leadership lapses" that included the deaths of detainees in the U.S. custody, according to a newly released document and former senior officials.

The memorandum and other partially declassified documents shed a rare light on the abuse and death of detainees in CIA custody, a subject the agency has long sought to shield from public view.


Tobacco to kill 6 million people next year: report

Tobacco use will kill 6 million people next year from cancer, heart disease, emphysema and a range of other ills, the American Cancer Society said in a report issued on Tuesday.

The society's new Tobacco Atlas estimates that tobacco use costs the global economy $500 billion a year in direct medical expenses, lost productivity and environmental harm.


CIA Documents Provide Little Cover for Cheney Claims

Those documents were obtained today by The Washington Independent and are available here.  Strikingly, they provide little evidence for Cheney’s claims that the “enhanced interrogation” program run by the CIA provided valuable information. In fact, throughout both documents, many passages — though several are incomplete and circumstantial, actually suggest the opposite of Cheney’s contention: that non-abusive techniques actually helped elicit some of the most important information the documents cite in defending the value of the CIA’s interrogations.


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