Thursday, Oct 03rd

Last update03:24:29 AM GMT

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Genetic breakthrough hails new cancer research era

The genetic code of two of the most deadly cancers has been cracked by British scientists in a world first that opens up a whole new era in the treatment for the disease.

All the mutations that turn healthy cells cancerous in both lung and skin tumours have been identified in what researchers described as a "transforming moment" in the search for preventions, treatments and cures for both terminal illnesses.



Bush officials e-mailed bogus rumor blaming Gore for failure to kill Bin Laden

White House emails retrieved from Bush administration records reveal that top Bush Justice Department officials circulated a memo falsely blaming Al Gore for U.S. failure to get Osama bin Laden

The apocryphal Osama-Al Gore-Oliver North story, already debunked on, was forwarded internally to administration personnel by David M. Israelite, Deputy Chief of Staff and Counselor to Attorney Gen. John Ashcroft (pictured above right). The existence of such politicized emails may help explain why millions of emails sent to and from the previous White House have gone missing despite rules for preserving presidential records.


Even in cases the U.S. wins, Guantanamo evidence is suspect

A federal judge ruled Wednesday that the United States is unlawfully imprisoning at Guantanamo a Yemeni once accused of training at an al Qaeda camp, just days after a different U.S. judge upheld the detention of another Guantanamo detainee who trained at the same camp.

But even in that order, the judge found the U.S. evidence was the result of coercion and abuse and should not be used "in any fashion, in any court."


Wildlife group fears polar bear protection plan is inadequate

To better safeguard threatened polar bears, the federal government should expand the size of its proposed critical habitat area in Alaska and curb oil and gas development there, the National Wildlife Federation said Wednesday.

The federation criticized the Department of the Interior for promoting expanded oil and gas exploration in the same areas that it wants to designate as the protected area for polar bears.


Senate rejects low-cost drug imports

The Senate has narrowly rejected a plan to allow Americans to import low-cost prescription drugs from Canada and other countries.

The amendment by North Dakota Democrat Byron Dorgan failed on a 51-48 vote. Sixty votes were needed to prevail.


Torture suit too hot to be heard, U.S. says

A lawsuit accusing a Bay Area flight-planning company of aiding an alleged CIA program of kidnapping and torturing terror suspects threatens national security and is too sensitive to discuss fully in a public courtroom, an Obama administration attorney argued Tuesday.

"The case cannot proceed without getting into state secrets," Justice Department lawyer Douglas Letter told an 11-judge panel of the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco.

TVNL Comment: By "state secrets" mean the lies told to the public and the atrocities committed by the United States.


'Super-Earths' orbit nearby stars

Planet-hunters have discovered two "super-Earths" orbiting two nearby Sun-like stars. These rocky planets are larger than the Earth but much smaller than ice giants such as Uranus and Neptune.

Scientists say the discoveries are a step towards finding potentially habitable planets - smaller planets that are comparable to the Earth. Details of the new planets are described in two papers in the Astrophysical Journal.


Hormone that curbs hunger may guard against Alzheimer's

High levels of a hormone that controls appetite appear to be linked to a reduced risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, US research suggests.

The 12-year-study of 200 volunteers found those with the lowest levels of leptin were more likely to develop the disease than those with the highest. The JAMA study builds on work that links low leptin levels to the brain plaques found in Alzheimer's patients.


US 'video terrorist' pair jailed for 17 and 13 years

Two US men convicted of plotting to aid terrorists by filming landmarks and sending the clips abroad have been given lengthy prison sentences.

Ehsanul Islam Sadequee was jailed for 17 years, three years less than the prosecution had requested. Sadequee, 23, also went to Bangladesh to meet terrorist cells and tried to help a Pakistani militant group. His friend and co-defendant, 24-year-old Syed Haris Ahmed, got 13 years in prison and 30 years supervised release.


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