Thursday, Oct 03rd

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Feds indict ex-Blackwater president

Gary Jackson, former Blackwater presidentThe former president of Blackwater Worldwide was charged Friday with using straw purchases to stockpile automatic weapons at the security firm and filing false documents to cover up gifts given to the King of Jordan.

The federal indictment charges Gary Jackson, 52, who left the company last year in a management shakeup, along with four other former workers.


Destruction of videotapes documented in CIA e-mail

White House counsel, Harriet MiersInternal CIA e-mails show the former agency head, Porter Goss, agreed with a top aide's 2005 decision to destroy videotapes of the harsh interrogation of a terror suspect, a controversial action that remains the focus of an FBI investigation.


Fluoride: Worse than We Thought

The CDC report then acknowledges new studies which indicate that the effects are "topical" rather than "systemic." "However, laboratory and epidemiologic research suggests that fluoride prevents dental caries predominately after eruption of the tooth into the mouth, and its actions primarily are topical for both adults and children."


Earth's missing heat could haunt us later: report

Missing heat could haunt usThe rise in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere means far more energy is coming into Earth's climate system than is going out, but half of that energy is missing and could eventually reappear as another sign of climate change, scientists said on Thursday.


Obama orders hospitals to grant same-sex couples visitation rights

Obama orders hospitals to grant same-sex couples visitation rightsPresident Obama on Thursday signed a memorandum requiring hospitals to allow gays and lesbians to have non-family visitors and to grant their partners medical power of attorney.

The president ordered the Department of Health and Human Services to prohibit discrimination in hospital visitation. The memo is scheduled to be made public Friday morning, according to an administration official and another source familiar with the White House decision.


No-one saw, no-one heard: 300 Palestinian olive trees uprooted

A Palestinian olive grove in the West Bank.Some 300 olive trees belonging to Palestinians were uprooted on the night between Monday and Tuesday in groves near the village of Mihmas, close to the illegal outpost of Migron. Mihmas residents blamed settlers for the attack and said this was the third time the settlers had uprooted trees in the area.


Survey: US Healthcare Lags Behind Other Countries

In a 22-nation survey released on Thursday, results show that people living in countries with government-run healthcare systems like Sweden and Canada are more confident that their families can get decent, affordable healthcare, than Americans are.

An online poll conducted by Ipsos/Reuters found that 70 percent of Canadians and almost 75 percent of Swedes felt it was fairly easy to receive treatment if a relative became ill. In the same poll, only 51 percent of Americans felt they would get care easily.


Spanish Judge who investigated Bush torture program facing charges

Spanish Judge Baltasar Garzon arrives at the Supreme Court in MadridSpain's most prominent judge, already charged with abuse of power in a potentially career-ending indictment, denied any wrongdoing as he testified Thursday as a suspect in a separate bribery investigation that has compounded his legal woes.

Judge Baltasar Garzon - internationally known for having gone after former Chilean ruler Augusto Pinochet and Osama bin Laden in Spain's court system - testified for more than four hours as a suspect before the Supreme Court.


TVNL Comment: Every msm article covering this story OMITS the fact that Judge Garzon also investigated six officials of President George W. Bush's administration for their alleged roles in what he called the "systematic program" of torture at Guantánamo Bay.  Coincidence? Just asking....

Mexicans haunted by church abuse

Mexican priest Marcial MacielAlberto Athie, a former Mexican priest, took the difficult decision to leave the Roman Catholic Church following his investigations into a high-profile paedophile priest.

He holds up the letter he wrote 13 years ago to Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI. It details senior Mexican priest Marcial Maciel's sexual abuse of young boys.


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