Friday, Oct 04th

Last update07:30:46 AM GMT

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BP refuses EPA order to switch to less-toxic oil dispersant

Reporting from Los Angeles and Elmer’s

BP has rebuffed demands from government officials and environmentalists to use a less-toxic dispersant to break up the oil from its massive offshore spill, saying that the chemical product it is now using continues to be "the best option for subsea application."


Doctor who first suggested a link between MMR vaccinations and autism struck off medical register

Dr Wakefield still stands by his research linking MMR and autismThe General Medical Council found Dr Andrew Wakefield guilty of serious professional misconduct over the way he carried out his controversial research. It follows a GMC ruling earlier this year that he had acted unethically.

Dr Andrew Wakefield's 1998 Lancet study caused vaccination rates to plummet, resulting in a rise in measles - but the findings were later discredited.


The memos and minutes that confirm Israel's nuclear stockpile

This is the cover page and two other pages from the secret military agreement between Israel and South Africa, signed by both Shimon Peres and Botha. Note on page two there is a clause that says the very existence of the agreement is secret. Both men have signed the agreement on page three.


Gaza children's camp destroyed

Dozens of masked men have broken into a UN-run Gaza summer camp for children and set it on fire, after beating up the guard and destroying the plastic tents.

The men blocked Gaza Strip's main coastal highway on Sunday before destroying the facility, one of the largest of several summer camps across the occupied Palestinian territory run by UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA).


'Shame on you, democracy,' Vanunu yells as he returns to prison

Nuclear whistleblower Mordechai VanunuAfter having served 18 years for leaking Israeli nuclear secrets, Mordechai Vanunu begins serving additional 3 months for violating terms of his parole.

He warned that the Shin Bet security service "controls the prisons" and that they will try to torture him psychologically, the same way they did the last time he was incarcerated.


Nature Conservancy faces potential backlash from ties with BP

Nature Conservancy faces potential backlash from ties with BPWhat De Leon didn't know was that the Nature Conservancy lists BP as one of its business partners. The organization also has given BP a seat on its International Leadership Council and has accepted nearly $10 million in cash and land contributions from BP and affiliated corporations over the years.

"Oh, wow," De Leon said when told of the depth of the relationship between the nonprofit she loves and the company she hates. "That's kind of disturbing."


Report: Alcohol companies go online to lure young drinkers

Report: Alcohol companies go online to lure young drinkersAlcohol companies are increasingly using the latest new media technologies — including cellphones, social networking sites, YouTube and other features of the expanding digital universe — to reach young drinkers, a new report contends.

And existing regulations may not be keeping up with the marketing trend, the report's authors added.


Sowing poison in the name of 'curing' homosexuals

George RekersSelf-hatred promotes hatred of others and sows poison everywhere. It is an evil defense mechanism.

No group of humans is exempt from this malady. People who suffer from self-hatred are toxic, not only to their family and friends, but to the entire community. They are also a threat because they know how their victims think, are familiar with their fears and speak the same language.


Not So Sexy: Hidden Chemicals in Perfume and Cologne

Fragrances are designed to make you smell good, but is that all they are doing? In a recently released study of 17 name-brand fragrances co-authored by EWG and the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, we found that they contain secret ingredients, chemicals not listed on the label, with troubling hazardous properties.


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