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There have been a slew of people to resign from the Bush/PNAC administration. We were hoping that Colin Powell would have done so early on so as not to lend respectability to the disgraceful conduct of this regime. Here are some of the notable resignations. This page was started on June 17th 2003. Some historical information may be added in the future.
EPA chief Whitman submits resignation letter - TVNL comments: The damage done to the environment and to environmental laws while Whitman was head of the EPA was unprecedented. This woman should be considered one of the all time worst enemies to the planet Earth. George Bush was shocked and confused when he heard this news. He had no idea that there was an Environmental Protection Agency!!!
Second Top EPA Official Resigns - Linda Fisher, the deputy administrator, had been seen as a possible successor to Whitman, who took over the agency after serving as New Jersey governor. Fisher told President Bush in her resignation letter that she plans to step down July 11.
Top Homeland Security Official Resigns Position - A high-ranking Department of Homeland Security official in charge of the agency's analysis of intelligence about terrorists resigned yesterday, citing health reasons. - The resignation came less than a month after assistant secretary Paul Redmond angered many House members at a hearing when he testified that his newly established office has not hired enough analysts or set up enough secure communications lines to receive classified FBI and CIA data for analysis purpose
Massive Security Breach - America’s top spy catcher quit in the midst of a secret investigation into how Saddam and Osama bin Laden obtained state-of-the-art U.S. spy software. - America’s top spy-catcher, Paul Redmond, has suddenly resigned in the middle of his secret investigation into how Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden obtained state-of-the-art U.S. computer software. The software is claimed to enable the two most wanted men in the world to avoid capture because it can pin-point their every move. - Redmond’s departure last week was accepted “without discussion” by President Bush—the man who had brought the spy catcher out of retirement to conduct the investigation. - Hours after Redmond had cleared his desk, Bush ordered a $25 million bounty on Saddam’s head.
Treasury's Fisher to Resign, People Familiar Say - Peter Fisher, the U.S. Treasury undersecretary who eliminated the 30-year bond, will leave his post before year-end and be replaced by Kenneth Leet, a managing director at Goldman Sachs Group Inc., people familiar with the situation said the Bush administration will announce today.
Poindexter to Resign Following Terrorist Futures Debacle - Admiral Poindexter first gained notoriety in the Iran-contra scandal during the Reagan administration, and more recently he oversaw a Pentagon program that proposed spying electronically on Americans to monitor potential terrorists.
MAYBE POWELL GOT YOUR E-MAIL!!! LOOK: State Dept. Changes Seen if Bush Reelected - Powell and Armitage Intend to Step Down - Secretary of State Colin L. Powell and his deputy, Richard L. Armitage, have signaled to the White House that they intend to step down even if President Bush is reelected, setting the stage for a substantial reshaping of the administration's national security team that has remained unchanged through the September 2001 terrorist attacks, two wars and numerous other crises. - Armitage recently told national security adviser Condoleezza Rice that he and Powell will leave on Jan. 21, 2005, the day after the next presidential inauguration, sources familiar with the conversation said. Powell has indicated to associates that a commitment made to his wife, rather than any dismay at the administration's foreign policy, is a key factor in his desire to limit his tenure to one presidential term.
U.S. Deputy Attorney General to Quit - Deputy Attorney General Larry Thompson, who also heads the Justice Department's corporate crime task force, will announce on that he is leaving his government post
Top U.S. Expert on North Korea Steps Down - A top State Department expert on North Korea who advocated a policy of incentives as well as penalties to persuade the nation to abandon its quest for nuclear weapons has resigned - Jack Pritchard, the special envoy for negotiations with North Korea, is departing at a critical moment, days before six-nation talks begin in China to pressure North Korea to drop its efforts to reprocess spent fuel rods for weapons.
U.S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia to Resign - The U.S. ambassador to Saudi Arabia, a Texas oil attorney who has served through a politically sensitive time in the two countries' relations, will leave his high-profile post in a few weeks, American and Saudi officials said. - They disputed reports the Saudis had asked Ambassador Robert W. Jordan to leave.
Top US Negotiator for Global Tobacco Treaty Quits - The top U.S. official working on an international treaty to reduce cigarette smoking worldwide has resigned at a time when the United States is embroiled in contentious negotiations with more than 150 countries on how to counter the rising global use of tobacco. - Bush administration officials said yesterday that the negotiator, Thomas E. Novotny, has stepped down for personal reasons unrelated to the negotiations. But three people who have spoken with Novotny in recent weeks said he had privately expressed frustration over the administration's decision to soften the U.S. positions on key issues, including restrictions on secondhand smoke and the advertising and marketing of cigarettes.
Top FBI Counterterror Official Announces Retirement - Veteran's Departure, After Three Months on Job, Is the Latest in a String Since Attacks of Sept. 11 - The FBI's top counterterrorism official announced his retirement yesterday after just three months on the job, marking the latest in a wave of departures from the senior ranks of the FBI since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. - Mefford is the third person in the past 18 months to hold that position, which by FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III created to oversee terrorism and intelligence investigations. All the senior posts at the FBI have turned over at least once since the Sept. 11 attacks.
ATF chief leaving government - Bradley A. Buckles, director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), will retire from his post effective Jan. 3 after 30 years of service, the agency announced yesterday.
Kay Plans to Leave Search for Iraqi Arms - Members of Survey Group He Heads Being Diverted to Fight Against Insurgents - Kay requested the change for personal and family reasons, officials said. When he accepted the job in June, they said, he expected to quickly find the expansive evidence that the administration had claimed as its primary reason for going to war. - TVNL Comment: Lots of Bush folks seem to resign for “personal and family” reasons. Have you ever met anyone in your life that left a job for personal and family reasons?
EPA Enforcement Chief Quits for WalMart - One of the chief defenders of the Bush administration's environmental record on punishing polluters is resigning to become general counsel of the Sam's Club division of Wal-Mart.
3 Top Enforcement Officials Say They Will Leave E.P.A. - The timing of the departures and comments by at least one of the officials who is leaving suggest that some have left out of frustration with the Bush administration's policy toward enforcement of the Clean Air Act. - In August, the administration changed air pollution rules to give utility companies more leeway to modernize their power plants without having to upgrade their pollution control equipment. That change prompted the agency's enforcement division to drop investigations into about 50 power plants for suspected violations of the Clean Air Act. Last month, however, a federal appeals court temporarily blocked the administration from enforcing the new air pollution rules.
Tauzin to Resign As House Energy Chair - Rep. Billy Tauzin resigned as chairman Tuesday of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, one of the most powerful positions in Congress, and announced he will not seek re-election in the fall. - Tauzin's name repeatedly come up as the top contender to head the lobbying operation of the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, or PhRMA, which represents big drug manufacturers such as Eli Lilly and Co. and Merck & Co. - Recently Tauzin said he was no longer interested in replacing 82-year-old Jack Valenti as president of the Motion Picture Association of America. But he was said to be seriously considering the pharmaceutical industry job. - Both potential jobs had raised eyebrows because Tauzin's committee has been so deeply involved in crafting legislation involving drug benefits and the telecommunications industry. - Common Cause, a private watchdog group, has raised concern about Tauzin negotiating for such jobs will still chairman of one of the most powerful committees in the House and one that deals with legislation affecting those industries.
Perle Resigns - Controversial Figure Quits Advisory Panel Post - Perle is a leading figure of the "neo-conservative" ideological school, and outlines his strong views on wielding U.S. military power against Islamic radicals in his new book, An End to Evil: How to Win the War on Terror. - TVNL Comment: Perle is a PNAC Kingpin. Another member of the TVNL Captured List!
A Top Regulator Resigns - John Korsmo, chairman of the Federal Housing Finance Board, submitted his resignation on Friday amid a controversy over his fund-raising in North Dakota. The White House released a letter in which Mr. Korsmo said he would resign from the board, which regulates the nation's 12 regional Federal Home Loan Banks, on April 13.
2 Leave Program Criticized for Not Helping Ill Workers - They are Robert Card, an under secretary who is the department's No. 3 official, and Beverly Cook, an assistant secretary who reports to Mr. Card. Mr. Card is not related to Andrew Card, the White House chief of staff. - The two officials took the brunt of criticism from lawmakers this week after it was disclosed that a $74 million program to aid nuclear weapons workers sickened by on-the-job exposure to toxic chemicals had paid out a single claim, $15,000, to one worker.
Interior Dept. Is Denounced - Investigator of Indian Funds Resigns, Alleges Obstruction - A court-appointed investigator has resigned from his job probing the federal government's management of hundreds of millions of dollars owed Native Americans, and charged that the Department of the Interior blocked his work in a bid to conceal its deals to enrich energy companies and cheat American Indians. - TVNL Comment: How much has to happen before we impeach the entire Bush/PNAC administration?
U.S. Terrorism Policy Spawns Steady Staff Exodus - Since the Sept. 11 attacks, the Bush administration has faced a steady exodus of counterterrorism officials, many disappointed by a preoccupation with Iraq they said undermined the U.S. fight against terrorism. - Some also left because they felt President Bush had sidelined his counterterrorism experts and paid almost exclusive heed to the vice president, the defense secretary and other Cabinet members in planning the "war on terror," former counterterrorism officials said. - "I'm kind of hoping for regime change," one official who quit told Reuters.
Bush's Latin America Adviser to Leave - Otto Reich, White House special envoy for Latin America, said Tuesday he will leave to create his own consulting firm. - Reich told reporters he also plans to work on President Bush's re-election campaign. - TVNL Comment: Another Iran Contra era criminal appointed by Bush, now working on his campaign. How ethical!
Tenet resigns as CIA director - Tenet's resignation takes effect in mid-July, after which Deputy Director John McLaughlin will become the agency's acting chief, Bush told reporters at the White House.
Second top official to quit CIA - James Pavitt, deputy director for operations, is said to have made the decision some weeks ago. - The departures come as the agency is braced for reports expected to criticise its conduct in the run-up to the 9/11 attacks and the war in Iraq.
Baker resigns as UN peace envoy - Former US Secretary of State James Baker has resigned as the UN's special envoy to Western Sahara after efforts to resolve the disputed territory's future failed.
Senior Official Resigns From Energy Dept. - Assistant Energy Secretary Jessie Roberson, who headed the environmental cleanup program at the department's nuclear weapons sites, resigned yesterday, citing a desire to spend more time with her family. - Roberson's accelerated agenda for cleaning up weapons sites has been criticized by some state officials and environmentalists as an attempt by the Energy Department to scale back cleanup standards and saddle states with more of the highly radioactive waste. - Her resignation is the third by a senior Energy Department official closely involved in nuclear waste cleanup or environmental management in just over two months. Undersecretary Robert Card, the department's No. 3 official, who was closely involved in nuclear waste issues, and Assistant Secretary Beverly Cook, who reported to Card and was in charge of environmental and health management at nuclear complex sites, resigned in early April after tangling with Congress over a worker health issue.
Key Bush Latin America Aide, Otto Reich, Resigns - No Link - Otto Reich, who took a hard line against presidents Fidel Castro in Cuba and Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, resigned as a top adviser to President Bush on Latin America, officials said on Wednesday. - Reich, a veteran of the 1980s Iran-Contra controversy, was a favorite of the powerful Cuban-American lobby in Washington because of his tough anti-communist views.
Solicitor General Olson Submits Resignation - Solicitor General Theodore Olson, who argued Bush administration cases before the Supreme Court before and after his wife died in the Sept. 11 Pentagon crash, has submitted his resignation, a Justice Department official said Thursday. - Olson represented President Bush and Vice President Cheney in the Supreme Court case that ultimately swung the 2000 presidential election to the Republicans.
Teamsters Chief Quits Bush Trade Advisory Group - The head of the Teamsters union said he resigned on Thursday from a White House trade advisory panel in protest of President Bush's decision to sign a free trade pact with five Central American nations. - ``I will no longer choose to lend legitimacy to a sham process in which our views and those of other important U.S. constituencies are not respected,'' Teamsters President James Hoffa said in a letter to Bush. ``Your approach to trade and economic integration only further isolates our nation from the very countries with whom we seek to trade.''
'Frustrated' U.S. Cybersecurity Chief Abruptly Resigns - The government's cybersecurity chief has abruptly resigned after one year with the Department of Homeland Security, confiding to industry colleagues his frustration over what he considers a lack of attention paid to computer security issues within the agency.
Ashcroft, Evans Resign - Attorney General, Commerce Secretary Are First Cabinet Members to Leave After Election - Attorney General John Ashcroft and Commerce Secretary Don Evans resigned Tuesday, the first members of President Bush's Cabinet to leave as he headed from reelection into his second term.
Another Computer Security Official Quits - The announcement by Robert P. Liscouski, the department's assistant secretary for infrastructure protection, comes as technology executives and experts increasingly say that the Bush administration is giving short shrift to computer security.