Stolen 2004 Election, Election Fraud. Impossible you say? Possible and Probable!
"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything." —Communist Tyrant and mass murderer Josef Stalin (attributed)
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The owner of a major voting machine manufacturing company is a major contributor to the Bush campaign. The same person promises in writing to deliver the Ohio votes to George Bush. The exit polls, which have been dead on reliable for generations, are dramatically different than the results in the precincts that use the voting machines made by this Bush supporting company. Nation wide complaints are received on Election Day reporting that attempts by voters to vote for the Democratic party line on these machines were resulting in votes for Bush/Cheney. Yet people who are questioning the results of this election are being tagged as sore losers, left wing conspiracy nuts and America haters!
The media does not seem to feel that these very suspicious “realities” are worth their attention. Are they insane or are they complicit in the theft of an election?
Can Anyone Explain This? - Congressman Peter King, Republican, NY: “It’s already over. The election’s over, we won.” - Voice: “How do you know that?” - King: “It’s all over but the counting, and we’ll take care of the counting!” - Quicktime player required. (Courtesy Whateallyhappened.com)
Votergate - This 30 minute Special Edition of VOTERGATE was created as a free educational public service to get out critical information to the public.
Voting Machine Controversy - The head of a company vying to sell voting machines in Ohio told Republicans in a recent fund-raising letter that he is "committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year."
Voting errors tallied nationwide - Those who believe that either or both of the past two presidential elections were manipulated by a vague conspiracy to elect Bush have done statistical analyses of voting patterns in Florida and argued that the voting discrepancies were much larger and systemic, but their studies have not stood up to scrutiny from academics and other analysts.
Digital Democracy? - Totalitarian nations hold elections, but what sets democracies apart is offering real choices in elections. In recent years, contests for the House of Representatives and state legislatures have looked more and more like the Iraqi election in 2002, when Saddam Hussein claimed 100 percent of the vote for his re-election.
Electronic Voting Machines Blasted by Scientists, Hacked by Author - What follows is a set of discoveries, the result of the first-ever public examination of a secret, proprietary computer program used to count votes in 37 states. A hundred dollar item allows anyone to stuff the ballot box; remote access was left unprotected, encryption keys were made available to hackers, and passwords, audit logs and votes were easily compromised.
Verifiedvoting.org - VerifiedVoting.org and the Verified Voting Foundation champion reliable and publicly verifiable elections in the United States.
Md. Voting Machines Vulnerable, Firm Says - With cool efficiency, the computer security professionals did what they were hired to do: They gained control of the system, corrupting vote counts and deleting election results.
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