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Israelis with a conscience! What is war? - (A must see. Turn speakers on first if you have them.)
Political Watchdogs:
Citizens For Legitimate Government - Excellent site! - A multi-partisan activist group established to expose the Bush coup d'etat, and to oppose the Bush occupation in all of its manifestations.
Evil GOP Bastard - Exposing the ugly truth about the Republican Party's diabolical plot to replace constitutional democracy with an oligarchic fascist theocracy...
EmpireWatch.com - The organization has one top priority... To create a global consciousness whereas each and EVERY HUMAN BEING on this earth realizes that blind trust towards any society, government, political party, religion, corporation or organization is wrong and NOT in the traditions of “freedom”.
Republicons.org - We believe that to be contrary is necessary, but to offer alternatives is the way we mature this nations' discussion.
Political Activists:
Taking Aim - Lifting the veil of deception, arming the people with information
WNYC - Public radio. Fair, but has recently been very influence by the neocons
Students for Smart Government - A group to ensure against governmental abuses, and abuses of the corporations that greatly influence our government through informing the public of their actions.
CODE PINK - Women’s pre-emptive strike for peace!
Women's Vote Center - Dedicated to educating, engaging, and mobilizing women voters across the nation to help elect more Democrats to office at all levels of government.
Daniel Patrick Welch - Writer, singer, translator and activist. TVNL has published several of Mr. Welch’s fantastic editorials. Good stuff!
Traprock Peace Center - Explore Nonviolence, Foster Community, Work to end war, Promote Communication & Take Initiatives on Justice and Environmental Issues
Serendipity - Asserting the natural right of people everywhere
BRING THEM HOME NOW! - A campaign of military families, veterans, active duty personnel, reservists and others opposed to the ongoing war in Iraq and galvanized to action by George W. Bush's inane and reckless challenge to armed Iraqis resisting occupation to "Bring 'em on."
Media Watchdogs:
FAIR - Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting
Project Censored - Exploring and publicizing the extent of censorship in our society by locating stories about significant issues of which the public should be aware, but is not, for one reason or another.
Newsmanic - Fantastic resource for information and activism.
Bush Watchdogs:
Vote To Impeach - Effort to impeach Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld. You can sign the petition at this site. Set up by former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark.
9/11 Facts:
911 Blogger - These folks do a great job of keeping you informed on the latest 9/11 related issues.
Why Are We Back In Iraq? - Liberal political/media bloggery, literal satire, and lots of attitude. May be workplace unfriendly.
Israeli/Palestinian Relations:
Greenpeace - This fragile earth deserves a voice. It needs solutions. It needs change.
The March For Justice - An all-inclusive human and civil rights movement that aims to improve upon human life by furthering the causes of justice.
Bethecause.org - A "portal for progress" designed to give internet users an entry point to all things positive.
Animal Rights, Lies and Violence:
Vegsource.com - Violence and Cultural Schizophrenia, a Psychologist's Perspective
General Resources:
Canada Resources - Good portal for information about Canada. Nicely organized. News, books and regional resources
Woman’s Issues:
Silicon Holocaust - Important for women to look here before they decide to alter their body.
Truth Finders:
From The Wilderness - Michael Rupert - Mike Ruppert is a one man crusade trying to expose America's bogus war on drugs. Now he has turned his attention on on the events of 9.11.
Other Important Issues:
Opinion-Exchange.com - A free online community of the opinionated. Any visitor can view, vote, contribute and discuss any topic, any opinion, on any subject, in real-time including every function without our dynamic opinion polls.
Native Nations Network - Global news plus extensive coverage of issues related to Native Americans, (the MOST overlooked victims of “American Democracy”).
Personal Web sites
A site created by TvNewsLies.org’s most valued contributer.
Two Unemployed Democrats Co. - Decompression for the Democrat! Outrageous Political T-Shirts, Bumpers, Buttons and more for the progressive Democrat.
FreemanZ - Fantastic collection of images and sounds, available on CD. Documentaries on the Patriot act etc., available too.
To have your site listed here please e-mail me at jesse64@nyc.rr.com