Is it worth 10 cents per day to help take on the most dangerous and despicable liars this nation has ever seen; the corporate news media? What about 5 cents per day? Is this web site worth the price of a cup of coffee? is in serious need of funding. Could you spare $1 or $2 dollars per month to help us fight media deception? If so, read on.
In March of 2003, I decided to start a website that would teach the public how to spot media deception. This action was a response to the outrageous lies being sold to the American people by the corporate news media as the Bush administration was preparing to launch an illegal, immoral and unnecessary war on Iraq.
Public response to my site was so great that I left my professional career and dedicated myself to a full time battle against media deception. Since that time I have had no outside income with which to wage this vital fight. The entire cost of maintaining and operating the site is my own, and has drained me of my personal life savings. In addition, I have been without health insurance since I left my job, despite having developed severe asthma from the fallout of the 9/11 attacks.
I share this with you to emphasize the importance of my purpose, not to evoke sympathy on your part. Getting the truth to the American public has become my most important priority, and I have made some difficult choices towards that end.
To date (May, 2005), not a single dollar donated to has been used to pay for any of my personal expenses. No salaries have been paid. No rent has been paid. Aside from paying our telephone bills, purchasing office & computer supplies and funding several advertising campaigns, ALL EXPENSES HAVE BEEN PAID FOR WITH MY PERSONAL FUNDS. But, I’ve reached the bottom of the barrel.
I can no longer maintain without your help. Waging this vital battle is not a part time job. One can not effect change by updating a website only once per day. Writing editorials, educating groups and individuals about deception in the media, working on a documentary, responding to email, maintaining a bulleting board, shipping gifts to donors, and keeping up with the latest news is a full time job. In order to continue this work, I urgently need your help.
Please consider becoming a SPONSOR of Please consider subscribing to quarterly or annual contributions.
TvNewsLIES had assumed a unique position among media watchdogs. We have worked towards educating the public as opposed to fighting the behemoth corporate media. We know of no other organization that has taking this approach. If you feel that the battle to educate the public is worthy of your help please SPONSOR our effort!
If you believe in the goals that TvNewsLIES has set, and if you would like to become a SPONSOR of our struggle, please see the options below.
A Most Humble and Sincere Thank you, Jesse, Editor,
What is our fight against media deception worth to you? Please sponsor us with a quarterly or annual contribution! You may cancel at any time. Just contact us by e-mail or phone. You can also contact us if you would like to contribute by phone or to donate other amounts. Want to send a check? Click here for information: 718-832-5767. Your card will be charged automatically until you cancel your support.

Are we worth 10 cents per day?
$9 Quarterly Contributions
$36 Yearly Contributions
With your contribution of 10 cents per day we will send you a free Deception Dollar Collector’s Set and a resistance ribbon! A $5.00 Value!

Are we worth 5 cents per day?
$4.50 Quarterly Contributions
$18 Yearly Contributions
With your contribution of 10 cents per day we will send you a free Deception Dollar Collector’s Set and a resistance ribbon! A $4.50 Value!

Are we worth 25 cents per day?
$22 Quarterly Contributions
$90 Yearly Contributions
With your contribution of 25 cents per day we will send you our famous Loaded Deck Playing Cards and a resistance ribbon! a A $16 value!
Are we worth $1 per day?
$90 Quarterly Contributions
$365 Yearly Contributions
With your contribution of $1 per day we will send you a a DVD of your choice! (Max value $30)
What are we worth to you?
Are we worth the price of 3 Starbuck’s Lattes per week? $624/year
Are we worth the price of 2 Beers ($4 each, no tip) per week? $832/year
Are we worth the price of 2 Happy Meals per month? $120/year
Are we worth the price of a day at the movies each month? $120/year
Are we worth the price of a monthly manicure? $180/year
Well, what are we worth to you?