Talk about coincidence! Much has been made about the the terror attacks taking place on 9/11, since 911 is the phone number for EMERGENCY RESCUE! Well, here 's one better:
While the original version of this site was posted on Jesse's personal home page in late March, the domain was officially launched 4/11, as in 411, as in INFORMATION! Now, there's a significant coincidence, wouldn’t you say?
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TVNL would like some readers to share some of the positive actions of the Bush administration with us. We will start a section dedicated to the positive actions that go unreported, but we have not heard of any. Please contact us if you have some leads.
Reader’s Art - Creative political statements by our readers.
Musical Lessons. There is much to be learned from the musical prophets of our time. I have started to share with you the music that I have learned from. - Jesse, editor,
On July 24th, 2003, the editor of was interviewed on the Meria Heller Show. The Meria Heller Show has been the #1 Internet radio show for 3 straight years! Meria covers the issues that mainstream media doesn’t have the guts to even mention! Listen to the interview here!’s editor on the radio Jesse was a guest on Mark Levine’s Show “THE INSIDE SCOOP.” Topic: Media consolidation. Sunday, August 31st at 8:00. You can listen to the archive here:
More soon!
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