Expecting Jesse’s World web site? This site was created in my persional web space. It was created on the spur of the moment and I just wanted to get my message out as fast as I can.
Under the present geopolitical environment I could not in good conscience continue along my normal life. It has become painfully obvious to me that every person that I have met who supports either Bush or the war has no clue as to the real facts. Today (3/30/03) I received a letter from a friend of mine responding to an E-mail that I sent out about WMDs. In his letter he listed about 7 reasons why he supports the war. EVERY reason he gave me was FACTUALLY INCORRECT!
This is not his fault. It is the fault of the major television news networks. These networks continue to inundate us with partial stories.
We can not let this continue any longer. The Bush Administration has indeed abused this situation to an extent that may result in global damage that can never be repaired.