IT'S A WAR, STUPID! A REMINDER FOR THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION (and a wake up call to the lapdog media) Jesse, Editor, 27-Oct-2003
"They hate freedom, they love terror!" These words are uttered by George W. Bush time and time again. Most recently they were spoken on October 27th, in response to the forty or so deaths attributed to terrorist acts in Iraq. What nonsense!
Think about this: five US service men died in a 24 hour period in a country they were ordered to invade, - and the only thing George W. Bush could say was that the bad guys are terrorists who hate freedom. This is the man who placed our soldiers in harm’s way, and all he ever does is use their deaths to promote his campaign of terror. The consistent referrals to the violence in Iraq as acts of terror are loyally echoed by the President’s disciples, the American news media. CNN, FOX News and MSNBC now almost entirely rely on the Bush/PNAC administration to supply verbatim scripts for their news broadcasts.
We suggest that the Bush/PNAC administration and their lapdog press take notice of something so obvious that it is embarrassing that we have point it out at all: As of October 27th, 2003 there has been NO official end to the war preemptively waged by the Bush administration. There was NO official surrender by anyone in the former Iraqi government. There was NO cease fire agreement and NO truce. In fact, the aircraft carrier performance notwithstanding, there has been NO official declaration ending hostilities by either the US or the Iraqis. Wake up folks, we are still at war.
The fact remains that United States invaded a sovereign nation. The military forces of the invaded nation retreated, they did not surrender. In case the President hasn’t noticed, they are still fighting. If the Bush/PNAC administration and their obedient news networks need proof of this, they need look no further than the nearest military morgue or evac hospital. Those are our soldiers who are badly wounded and dying.
This is warfare, not terrorism. We invaded a nation that belonged to the Iraqi people, and believe it or not some Iraqis have taken issue with this. They have chosen to fight the foreign forces that now occupy their land and who are attempting to mold it into a subsidiary American nation. Isn’t it possible that the Iraqi people want their country back? Isn’t it possible that they are using the only effective weapons they have? The Bush/PNAC administration would undoubtedly prefer that the resistance fighters use more conventional methods that our far superior military could easily defeat. Unfortunately, it appears that the Iraqis chose to do something that boggles the mind - they opted to use the only possible methods of attack that succeed against a far more sophisticated opponent: rocket grenades and suicide bombers. What a shock!
Perhaps the most overlooked and most damaging aspect of this invasion is the breech of national security that has result from the Bush/PNAC war strategy. With little fanfare, and little notice, they showcased for the world a perfect blueprint for defeating American armed forces in battle. The lesson is clear: when invaded, don't resist. Allow the invaders to enter with relative speed and permit them to take over the nation. Withdraw with your weapons intact. Then, at will, pick off the occupying forces and those who collaborate, one by one. And, oh yes, welcome sympathetic fighters from other nations and any outsiders with any long-standing gripe against the invaders. Stay the course.
This is military the secret that the Bush/PNAC administration has exposed to the world. It is also the sad reality that is taking the lives of our young men and women in combat on a daily basis. It is the failed strategy of a continuing war that is also taking the lives of innocent Iraqis who have done us no harm The Bush/PNAC administration has exposed our military vulnerabilities to the entire world.
Wasn’t it only months ago that this arrogant President spoke to the nation under a banner that said, Mission Accomplished! The mission has not been accomplished, not by a long shot. But, it’s not about a mission, it’s about a war. This isn’t about terrorists, and it isn’t about people who hate freedom and are distressed by the great progress being made in rebuilding what we destroyed. It.s about an undeclared, illegal and immoral war against a people who are still fighting back. It’s the War, Stupid. It really is.