Gays hit back at Vatican - 'We don't want the Holy See to make pressure on our parliament' - Gay rights groups have hit back at the Vatican's global campaign against same-sex marriages, saying the appeal reflects a mix of religion and politics that is out of touch with the modern world. - TVNL comment: The entire world uses a story book as it’s instruction guide. If the bible said child molestation or rape was permitted it would be legal in this country. Folks, it’s a story book, not an instruction book, and the authors did not hang around long enough to publish updated versions! Even the dictionary gets updated to reflect things we did not know earlier! You are using a very outdated book people! Think about it!
Study: Sexual identity hard-wired by genetics - Sexual identity is wired into the genes, which discounts the concept that homosexuality and transgender sexuality are a choice, California researchers reported on Monday. - TVNL Asks: Can we finally stop all the gay bashing now?
Scalia Ridicules Court's Gay Sex Ruling - Justice Scalia Ridicules Supreme Court's Recent Gay Sex Ruling, Saying It Ignores the Constitution - Scalia adopted a mocking tone to read from the court's June ruling that struck down state antisodomy laws in Texas and elsewhere. Scalia wrote a bitter dissent in the gay sex case that was longer than the ruling itself. - TVNL Comment: Disgraceful conduct by anyone, let alone a Supreme Court Justice.