In another time, there would have been questions. In another time, there might have been answers. But then again, in another time there were independent journalists.
In another time, there would have been outrage. In another time, there would have been headlines. But then again, in another time, there were relentless reporters.
But in our time, in the media, there are very few questions. In our time, in the media, there are even fewer answers. There is no outrage, and there are no blaring headlines. In our time, the government has a free hand to act with impunity and without accountability. But then again, in our time, George Bush and his PNAC cohorts are in power.
In our time, the public remains shamefully uninformed. In our time, the distractions, diversions, deceptions and delusions permeate the media. In our time, not asking is patriotic, and not knowing is the norm. If that continues, we will run out of time, in our time.
In our time, someone has to pick up the gauntlet. In that hope, TvNewsLies will review some of the questions that demand answers. We challenge the corporate media to openly and vigorously publicize the secrecy and stonewalling that have surrounded each of them. We challenge the media to pursue the answers to any or all of these questions, so that we may know the truth before the next presidential election. We also challenge the media to explain why we will not know the answers, at least not in our time.
In the government distorted intelligence information in order to garner the support of the American public for a war against Iraq?
Selected Ahmed Chalabi, a wanted felon who had not lived in Iraq since the 1950’s to lead the Governing Council in occupied Iraq?
Are the member nations in the “coalition of the willing,” and what is each nation’s contribution to the Iraq war in personnel and funding?
Is Kenneth (Kenny Boy) Lay, friend of the President and former CEO of Enron, now?
Are the video tapes and actual numbers of American protesters who mobilized for almost a full year to voice their outrage against the war on Iraq?
Was George Bush’s concern about the outing of CIA agent for the first 12 weeks after the Wilson/Plume story broke?
Was George Bush in 1973 when he was supposed to report for regular NG duty?
Are the flowers and cheers that were supposed to greet our troops in Iraq?
Is the armored protection that our soldiers need so desperately in Iraq?
Is the exit strategy for the war against Iraq?
Are photographs of the flag draped coffins of our military dead?
Are representatives from the Bush administration when military funerals are held?
Have we been told about the reasons why terrorists want to hurt us by members of the Bush/PNAC administration but never hear the reasons from the actual terrorists or their representatives?
Were pages described by several Senators as “not classified” blacked out by the President?
Are undemocratic, fundamentalist dictatorships like Saudi Arabia befriended as allies?
Are some government officials, such as Condoleezza Rice, George W. Bush and Dick Cheney being allowed to testify before the Commission in secret and without being under oath?
Is there no discussion of impeachment or censure of the President when grounds for both clearly exist?
THE ANSWERS: (We’re still waiting...)