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McMurdo Station, Antarctica,Feb. 15, 2003
Under the gathering war clouds, early in 2002, the protests began. At first, they were small, and those who came were viewed as the “usual suspects� – the radical left, the anti Bush sore losers, the Vietnam hippie wannabes. And then, as the rumblings of the warmongers in Washington became louder and more determined, the protests grew. Before long, - to the amazement of many, the voices of peace and reason began an unprecedented journey across the Internet to organize, to mobilize and to plead for sanity. By the time the intentions of the Bush/PNAC war planners had become absolutely clear, people from every corner of the globe were linked in a common cause, and there was hope.
They boarded buses in the freezing cold before dawn to have their say. The congregated at meeting places to march as one. They came with their neighbors, their children, and even their dogs. They were young, and middle aged, and elderly. They were from every ethnic group imaginable, and from divergent political loyalties. They knew what was coming, and they were terribly worried. And so, they did something.
Washington, D.C., Oct. 26, 2002
As the lies to justify a war increased, so did the protests. They came by tens of thousands, with their home made banners and T-shirts. In the midst of an ominous autumn, their demands for “No War On Iraq� reverberated through the streets of Washington,D.C., and fell on deaf ears. But hope went on. The movement grew, and more and more people became more and more nervous, sensing that war was inevitable. Determined to show their opposition, they logged on to the web sites of the peace keepers. Gradually, tens of millions of people all over the planet were linked by groups such as Not in Our Name, MoveOn, International A.N.S.W.E.R, Stop the War, and United for Peace in a desperate momentum. They formed Code Pink, Veterans Against an Iraq War, and Voices in the Wilderness. They would not be deterred, and they continued to march. And then, came the media…..
Coverage was sparse. Numbers were downplayed. C-Span came. FOX and CNN did not. They were largely ignored. But still nothing stopped them. They protested as individuals, in small groups, on campuses, and on highways. They held candlelight vigils and prayer meetings as the countdown to war grew louder. Their hopes were dimmed, but their hearts were pure. They knew they were right, and they would not be silenced. They marched all the way to January, by the hundreds of thousands, everywhere.
The media paid them no mind. They were ignored, minimized, and dismissed as fringe dissenters. But they persisted as never before. These were the people who cared. These were the people with heart.
New York City Amsterdam Berlin
Then, on February 15, 2003, unparalleled anti- war protests were held in 133 cities around the world!! (http://www.punchdown.org/rvb/F15/) Eleven million wonderful, coordinated human beings protested the killing of innocent civilians that was about to begin. Never in history had so many people in so many places raised a single voice. Never in history had tens of millions of people joined in a common plea for honor and dignity by their governments. And never before in history, was the collective will of the people more arrogantly rejected!
Hong Kong Tel Aviv Barcelona
In March, they rose again. Throughout the world, they marched and shouted and sang their songs of peace. The US and UK had amassed troops in Kuwait, and the UN inspectors were about to leave Iraq. An illegal and immoral pre-emptive strike against a non-threatening nation was imminent, but the anti-war protesters held out until the last minute. They dared to believe that miracles still happen.
Ho Chi Minh City Nicosia Bangkok
A few days after these last photos were taken, Iraq was attacked by the mightiest armed forces in history. The US and the UK, using a pretext of self defense, carried out their long laid war plans. The horror that followed and the debacle that the war has become are far from over. Those who protested warned of the consequences. Those who protested were honorable and righteous and selfless. Those who protested were the heart and soul of nations across the world. TvNewsLies honors them today, and will not forget them tomorrow.
The Peace Movement goes on. These same people continue to fight the good fight. More power to the Anti War Protester: the TVNL 2003 Person of the Year!