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Jesse Richard's Commentary

Election Fraud is NOT the Real Problem - The Entire System is Corrupt!

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I am tired of hearing pathetic Democrats cry about stolen elections. has been proven that George W. Bush and his handlers stole the last two presidential elections. The evidence is voluminous. The fact is that we have been living under the rule of enemies domestic for almost eight years and Congress, along with our military, have allowed these enemies of the state to remain in control of our government. Doesn't that tell you something? Don't you see a larger problem here?

Let me tell you whiny Democrats something...the Bush cartel did not steal the elections from the Democrats...they stole the election from the other criminal cartels who decide in advance which men we may choose from to be our president!

The battle over who becomes president does not take place among the citizens of this nation, it takes place among groups such as the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group. Let me tell you something...the Cheney/PNAC cabal stole the elections from George H.W. Bush, James Baker, George Schultz and associates, not from the Democrats. They are the ones who assembled the Bush administration and rigged the 2000 election to place them in power as a proxy presidential administration. The problem was that the Neocons, once in office, took control and did what they wanted to do, not what their sponsors wanted them to do.

Here is how it used to work. The media, which is controlled by the real power brokers in this nation, have controlled elections in the past by presenting and withholding selected information from the public in order to influence their voting. By doing so, they pretty much guarantee the outcome of an election. Do you think that if the media did their job and actually informed the public accurately about who George W. Bush was and what his qualifications were he would have stood a chance of becoming a US President? This guy was less qualified to be president than Brittney Spears is qualified to be a parent! He was a proxy for the real power brokers - the Bush Sr./James Baker gang. The problem was that those guys underestimated Cheney and his re-assembled crazies!

Last Updated on Wednesday, 10 September 2008 00:24

Why Israel?

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I can think of no greater mystery in all of American politics that the reasons behind the blind support the US gives to Israel.

There is an old joke about why Israel will never become the 51st state of the United States…it is because that would mean that they only have 2 Senators!

Time and time again I have watched politicians publicly declare their support for Israel. Politicians who will never ever make a decision that affects Israel still feel the need to pledge their allegiance publicly. Local assembly people, mayors, dog catchers…every American politician must declare their support for Israel or else they risk losing their office.

Why? In my entire 44 plus years on this planet I have never heard one damn reason why we have to pledge blind and unconditional support to Israel. Not once. Not from a politician and not from a pundit. The reasons for our support are as deep a secret to the public as are the agendas of secret societies, the global power broker group know as the Bilderberg Group and the goals of our Project for a New American Century (PNAC) government.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 10 September 2008 00:28

Attention Activists: It’s Time to Grow Up

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This is a message to all the well meaning people out there who try their best to make this world a better place, but in fact have no impact on the world, whatsoever. It is time to take your activism seriously.

The time has come to stop your ineffective tantrums and get serious. There are two ways to effect change when it comes to government: passive resistance and revolution. Our republic is broken and we no longer have representatives in government. Constantly asking our elected representatives to legislate on our behalf is not only a waste of time, but also totally unnecessary being that we have a government that no longer represents us.

Actually it is a Catch-22. We live in a communication age. We have the Internet, e-mail, cell phones, land phones, faxes, postal mail and megaphones with which to contact anyone, anywhere, at any time of the day or night. Still, we are told to get on buses and trains so we can march in Washington DC to tell a handful of government officials who don’t even know we are there to do what they were elected to do.

The only legitimate purpose of such a trip at this point in time should be to remove those ineffective representatives and leaders and replace them with people who would honor their oaths of office and actually represent the people who put them there!

I keep getting e-mail and phone calls from organizations asking me to attend “vigils” to take back the nation. Let me tell you something...vigils are to activism what masturbation is to sex. It might make you feel good but nobody else benefits. At least call it what it is...a whining defeat celebration. Why not use your time effectively, like getting people together to plan real change rather than real noise.

The Vietnam conflict was ended by those who organized sit-ins and takeovers not vigils. The Johnson presidency was brought down by those who shut down schools and colleges all over the nation, not by those who lit candles in quiet little ceremonies.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 10 September 2008 00:30

Dear Lou Dobbs, Who Owns the Federal Reserve?

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Originally published July, 2007.
"It is well that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning." - Henry Ford

May I suggest that everyone who reads this message send a letter to Lou Dobbs, Mr. American Middle Class Champion, and ask him to explain exactly who owns the Federal Reserve and why we allow the Federal Reserve to continue to control our entire economy. Then ask him why he, and everyone else in the media, have refused to explain this to the American people.

As Lou says every day: It's time for answers!

Write to Lou Dobbs here:

The real answer to this question is that the Federal Reserve is like a big Mafia loan shark. It owns our nation in the same way a loan shark owns his "clients!" There is absolutely no difference between the two.

No matter what the situation, whenever there is news related to the Federal Reserve a big, loud, coordinated, conspiratorial lie of omission is committed by every single news outlet in our nation. What is this lie? It is keeping up the false impression that the Federal Reserve is part of our government! The Fed is a private, for profit bank, that controls our government and economy. They control the money supply, inflation, depression, recessions, etc. They are not accountable to Congress, the executive branch or anyone in government.

The revolutionary war was started primarily to get away from a similar situation in England where the Bank of England held the same control over their nation. Revolutionaries realized this and they put an end to it. Unfortunately some traitors in the Senate reversed our true liberation and now we have a private bank controlling our personal financial status.

Let me ask you a simple question: what country in its right mind would create a system that would force it to lend itself money and have to repay the money WITH INTEREST? What country would charge itself interest? What nation would put itself out of business by making it bankrupt because of interest? The answer is none! America is not charging itself interest on its debt, the privately owned central bankers are doing this and they are hiding in plain sight! Congress (with the exception of Ron Paul), every US president and every single member of the corporate media are either part of the conspiracy or just plain stupid!

Last Updated on Wednesday, 10 September 2008 00:32

Israel & the Media: The Real Anti-Semites

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Let me tell you about the real onslaught of ant-Semitism that few people seem to notice. Let me tell you about the exploitation of Jews the likes of which outweigh the anti-Semitism practiced by Hitler and the Nazis. Let me tell you about atrocities and injustices being committed while their perpetrators hide behind the word "Jews" and allow Jews around the world to take the heat, and face wrath of people they have not themselves victimized.

Let me tell you about Israel, a nation living on a false reputation and claims that are contradicted by reality and history. And let me remind you about the alarming rising tide of anti-Semitism that is targeting Jews in many countries around the globe.

First off, let's get something straight once and for all...Israel is neither a religion nor a people; it is a politically established nation. Opinions, discussions, reports, analyses or commentaries about Israel have nothing to do with "Jews," "Jewish" people or "Judaism!" Once you understand this you can now understand how anyone who stifles accurate commentary about Israel by slapping the commentator with an anti-Semitism label is using, and may I say exploiting the Jewish people by directly connecting all Jewish people with the actions of the State of Israel.

If I chose to write an article critical of Jewish people or Judaism, the words "Jewish people" or "Judaism" would be in the article. I would write about the religion, the people who follow the religion or the Jewish community in general. When I write about Israel or about something done by Israelis I am not connecting that topic to the religion of Judaism or people who identify themselves as Jews. Why is that so hard to understand?

Last Updated on Wednesday, 10 September 2008 00:33

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