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You are here Editorials Jesse Richard's Commentary Election Fraud is NOT the Real Problem - The Entire System is Corrupt!

Election Fraud is NOT the Real Problem - The Entire System is Corrupt!

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I am tired of hearing pathetic Democrats cry about stolen elections. has been proven that George W. Bush and his handlers stole the last two presidential elections. The evidence is voluminous. The fact is that we have been living under the rule of enemies domestic for almost eight years and Congress, along with our military, have allowed these enemies of the state to remain in control of our government. Doesn't that tell you something? Don't you see a larger problem here?

Let me tell you whiny Democrats something...the Bush cartel did not steal the elections from the Democrats...they stole the election from the other criminal cartels who decide in advance which men we may choose from to be our president!

The battle over who becomes president does not take place among the citizens of this nation, it takes place among groups such as the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group. Let me tell you something...the Cheney/PNAC cabal stole the elections from George H.W. Bush, James Baker, George Schultz and associates, not from the Democrats. They are the ones who assembled the Bush administration and rigged the 2000 election to place them in power as a proxy presidential administration. The problem was that the Neocons, once in office, took control and did what they wanted to do, not what their sponsors wanted them to do.

Here is how it used to work. The media, which is controlled by the real power brokers in this nation, have controlled elections in the past by presenting and withholding selected information from the public in order to influence their voting. By doing so, they pretty much guarantee the outcome of an election. Do you think that if the media did their job and actually informed the public accurately about who George W. Bush was and what his qualifications were he would have stood a chance of becoming a US President? This guy was less qualified to be president than Brittney Spears is qualified to be a parent! He was a proxy for the real power brokers - the Bush Sr./James Baker gang. The problem was that those guys underestimated Cheney and his re-assembled crazies!

In 2000, the Internet came to the rescue of the electorate. For the first time, the public saw through the media mind control and voted against the pre-selected winner. Even the US media could not make a case for the pathetically unqualified historical failure known as W., becoming the next US president. The people were not going to follow the propaganda of the media and they were going to cast their votes accordingly. So the power brokers rigged the election in a new way...they messed with the votes.

In 2000, Al Gore was the people's choice, or so it seemed. You see Gore was the choice of the people only because the media, at the behest of the power brokers, only present us with their menu. We think we get to choose our president, but we only see the menu after it is prepared by the global power broker chefs.

You can never become president. No matter how qualified you are your message will never be heard by your fellow Americans unless you are accepted by the power brokers. The damn media admit this to you every damn election! They tell you right out who is and who is not "electable!" They say this on the air! Pardon my language but what the fuck does that mean? Who the hell are they to tell me, a voter, who is electable? In a democracy we tell the media who is electable, in a dictatorship they tell us! Wake up's obvious!

The fact is that in order to be a US president, or a member of Congress who has even the slightest relevance, you must be approved by either the Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission (Obama) or these days the Neocons (McCain).

And guess who has the last say about whom you can elect, or I should say "select"? AIPAC! That's right...if Israel doesn't pre-approve our politicians...forget it...they are not selectable! And that's a fact!

Wake up folks...the system is broken and for the life of me I can't think of a single way to use the system to fix the system. We need a new system. "Selecting" a Democrat is not the answer. Our problems are bigger than that. Until we accept this fact we will continue to tear our nation apart with the red herring known as the "our guy is better than their guy" game. Republicans, Democrats and all other party members...get this through your heads...NONE OF THEM ARE OUR GUYS! Left & Right Unite! Think about it!

Jesse Richard - Editor,
(Permission to republish is granted as long as a link back to this original is provided.)

UPDATE:'s Jesse Richard discusses his recent article "Election Fraud is NOT the Real Problem - The Entire System is Corrupt!", among other things with One Radio Network's Patrick Timpone. Audio Interview...




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