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Jesse Richard's Commentary

Video; The US Auto Industry Bail Out - What the "Mainstream Media" Isn't Telling You.

E-mail Print PDF editor, Jesse Richard, shares his thoughts on the proposed bail out of the US auto industry. He explores aspects of the bailout that are not being discussed in the mainstream media.


Last Updated on Wednesday, 03 December 2008 01:36

Altering the Food Supply: Reason Enough to Hang Our World Leaders

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According to disclosed documents, minutes of a series of private meetings of representatives of 27 governments disclose plans to "speed up" the introduction of the modified crops and foods and to "deal with" public resistance to them.

Forget about immoral wars based on lies that result in the murder of hundreds of thousands of people, including the soldiers who "followed orders" and die in those wars. Forget about false flag operations like the Reichstag fire, 9/11, and the London bombings, when world leaders murder their own people in order to frighten them into submission.  Forget about the international banking conspiracy to control all of the wealth on earth. Forget about the bio weapon programs run by our government that increased dramatically under the Bush administration, where an accident, an earthquake (or an evil individual like Dick Cheney) could potentially unleash life-ending viruses onto the nation and the world. And forget about the criminal suppression of technologies that would provide enough clean and cheap energy to fulfill all our needs.

If there is one reason that serves as an even stronger reason for the people of this planet to unite and storm virtually every government associated with the ruling establishment, it is the secretive, but confirmed, manipulation of the food chain of the entire planet!  The people who rule this planet are altering the food chain in a way that is irreversible and in a way that could possibly lead to the extinction of life on earth!

Last Updated on Monday, 27 October 2008 22:29

Did You Spot the REAL Outrage of the Presidential Debates?

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I wonder how many Americans noticed the most outrageous and alarming aspect of the presidential debates? I bet you the number of people who noticed is sadly insignificant. I would guess that is because the most outrageous aspect of the debates was impossible to see...because it was not there!

Let me ask you something. How many qualified candidates will Americans get to choose from come election day? Guess what...the answer is not two (click here for the answer).  But thanks to the absolutely clear, obvious and unquestionable MEDIA CONSPIRACY TO DECEIVE THE WORLD, the press in this nation is not doing their Constitutionally protected job by informing the electorate!!!

Let me tell you something, I talk about a lot of alarming topics when I try to explain media deception to Americans. I talk about 9/11, energy technology suppression, health information suppression and a variety of other topics as they relate to the lies and deceptions of the media. But perhaps no other issue serves as a better and more powerful example of how a huge, nation wide, institutional conspiracy exists in our country, and it is called the mainstream media.

Last Updated on Thursday, 16 October 2008 11:07

Bail Out the Citizens, Not the Corporations!

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Bail out the people and we will not need anyone to save us from the bank collapse! And that's a fact!

Why do we have governments if not to provide for and protect the people? We are told every day that America is the greatest nation on Earth. We are told that communism is bad and that capitalism is good. We are taught to be afraid of socialism and we are told that basic human services for people at the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder are bad. The term "entitlements" is used in a negative manner in order to describe all government support for the needy as giveaways for people who just don't work hard enough.

Apparently entitlements are OK when it comes to the survival of predatory corporations. Socialism is fine as long as poor people are not the recipients of the handouts. Well reality is setting in, isn't it? At least that is what George W. Bush and a bunch of criminals in Congress want us to believe, as they are all set to hand your money over to the very people who caused this economic collapse!

Liberals are looking pretty smart right now as hardcore right wing greed is starting to victimize members of that same elite right wing!

Last Updated on Saturday, 11 October 2008 16:02

Establishment Media's Massive Mislabeling

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One of the main missions of is to make the public aware of obvious media deception. I often tell people that they don't have to really believe anything I tell them. All I do is point things out for them to see for themselves. I show people that on a daily basis, make that a virtual minute by minute basis, the establishment media hold up life's apples and spend all their energy convincing you that they are oranges. All I do is tap you on the shoulder and point out the apples. I figure that eventually you'll stop falling for the deception. Wishful thinking on my part.

Anyway, I thought I'd make a tiny list of common aspects of the apple/orange misdirection effort headed up by our criminal establishment media. You know...your enemy. Some people call them the "mainstream media". Not me. There is nothing mainstream about them. They are criminal bastards. Calling them mainstream would be like calling a pedophile an average guy.

So here is some food for thought as I see it...just a few examples off the top of my head...

Mislabeled for your consumption by the criminal American establishment media:

Last Updated on Wednesday, 10 September 2008 00:23

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